I’m Done Sprouting

Yesterday, I headed over to Lottie’s island again…but just to shop, not to work. While I was there, I confirmed that Paradise Planning now has a functioning workbench upstairs. I’m just not sure why we need one there, since I can’t use the items in my pockets on Lottie’s island anyway.

At Able Sisters, I used a tailors ticket to buy a grape hat. It’s such a ridiculous item that I love it! 😂 I can imagine eight players running around with these on their heads. I bet that would look funny, although I don’t have any plans on using them that way.

Mabel: It's 700 bells--or a tailors ticket--for grape hat. Interested?
Shouldn’t that be “for a grape hat?”

On Kapp’n’s mysterious island, I planted some vegetable seeds/starts just for the Nook Points achievements (as I’ve been doing for weeks). And I’ve now completed the “Sprout Out Loud” goals. I earned 3,000 Nook Miles for planting 200 crops.

Sprout Out Loud Nook Miles achievement with all goals met.
Now I’m finally done sprouting.

Tonight, K.K. Slider was hanging out at the plaza for his usual Saturday night performance. He played K.K. Disco for me, Sasha, Apollo, Hornsby, and Eloise.

K.K.: Right on. I'm tuned up and ready to roll. Who's in the mood for a little K.K. Disco?

There was a camper at the campsite, and it was a hideous frog! No, not Jambette…the other one. No, not Gigi. Not Wart Jr. or Croque either. I need to be more specific; there are too many ugly frogs in this series. 😛 It was Diva, and she is not welcome here.

Diva: Hey, do you live out here? You do! What's up, temporary-neighbor!

I hope you’re all enjoying your weekend. See you next time!

Admiral’s Birthday

Yesterday, Nook Inc. sent me a reward (a protein shake) for forcing encouraging residents to participate in group stretching. 😛

Nook’s Cranny was buying turnips for 188 bells apiece, so I sold the remainder of my turnips at that price.

I gave Admiral some head bandages as a gift, and to my surprise, he put them on right away. So if anyone saw me go inside his house, and then saw him come out with bandages on his head, they might think I just beat him up! 😂

Admiral puts on some head bandages.
…and maybe I did. (jk)

Wisp was in town, and I gathered up his spirits for him. He rewarded me with an outdoor kitchen.

Today is Admiral’s birthday, and I attended his party (Louie was also there). I gave Admiral a gold rose wreath that I crafted for his door, and he seemed to like it.

Admiral: Well, in 2022, I didn't expect a gold rose wreath!

Happy birthday, Admiral! Well now I feel bad for beating him up yesterday. 😂

Tonight, I went out to Lottie’s island to work a shift. Lottie told me that she ordered a workbench for Paradise Planning. Once it arrives, it will be placed upstairs (where the lockers are), and she said I’ll be able to use it for my own projects at any time.

I went out to the beach to look for customers, and Papi wanted a vacation house with lots of wooden furniture.

Papi: I heard that vacation houses grow on the islands around here. Could we, um...plant me one? Pretty please?

I chose a location with a forest of cedar trees. In the yard, I gave him a swinging bench, a sleigh, a destinations signpost, and a chainsaw…so that he can cut down more trees if he needs to. 😛

The outside of Papi's vacation house.

Indoors, I gave him a wooden bookshelf, simple vanity, and a wooden double bed…in addition to the items he suggested. I also gave him a few snacks to enjoy as he reads.

Papi sits down and reads in his new wooden vacation home.

With the job done, I returned to Paradise Planning. Lottie gave me a new title of “Promising Designer,” and she gave me a raise! I got 9,000 Poki for this job. Not bad!

See you all next time!

An Amazing Night

On Sunday morning, I bought some turnips from Daisy Mae. She was charging 109 bells each, and I bought 1,600 of them (for a total of 174,400 bells). Later that night, Wisp was in town. I recovered his five spirits and he rewarded me with a garden table.

Yesterday (Monday), Daisy Mae sent me a recipe for some turnip salad in the mail.

Eloise taught me an interesting new recipe: She told me how to make a pile of cash! 😀

Eloise: I know! Why don't you try making a pile of cash too?

Unfortunately, it costs 297,000 bells to make it! 😮 So “making” cash isn’t as easy as she made it sound.

I’ve been spending some time working on my town (mostly my castle, but I’ve made a few other small changes elsewhere too). Static noticed a (56,000 bell) castle wall in my pockets, and he wanted to give me a shirt for it. A shirt! No way, Jose!

Static: Wait...you do?! Oh, please tell me you'll trade it for my layered polo shirt!

Out on Harv’s Island, Jolly Redd had an amazing painting that looked real. I still needed it for the museum, so I bought it.

Today (Tuesday), Louie sent me a famous painting in the mail! It was real, but I didn’t need it for the museum. However, I also received the amazing painting I ordered from Redd. I donated it to the museum, and it is huge!

Amazing Painting - January 25th, 2022 - Donated by Jeff

It appears that I only need seven more works of art to complete the museum! 🙂

Nook’s Cranny was paying 122 bells for turnips today. That’s obviously not an amazing price, but it is more than I paid for them. And after losing a bunch of bells on turnips last time, I decided to sell most (1,300 of my 1,600) turnips today at that price.

After doing some stretching at the plaza, I earned 2,000 Nook Miles for stretching on 30 different days. That’s not the final goal, there’s another one when I reach 50. But still, this one kicked my balance up to 1.5 million miles.

Label was in town again today (just four days after her last appearance!). This time, she wanted to see me in a fairy tale outfit. The outfit she gave as an example was a bit odd, though: A school uniform with necktie? How is that a fairy tale thing?

Label: As you can see, it's a school uniform with necktie with quite the fairy tale flair.

But she also mentioned some other examples, such as knights and princesses. So I crafted a knight’s helmet, iron armor, and armor shoes. She loved the outfit, and she rewarded me with a Labelle knit shirt.

Label: Amazing!
Just like the painting.

See you all next time. Have an amazing knight!