Admiral Arrives

On Sunday, I grabbed some Nook Miles Tickets and started visiting some mystery islands to hunt for a new villager. I decided I would try five times and then give up for the night. The first three islands had Cobb the pig, Tipper the cow, and Pinky the bear. I was not interested in them, but I was tempted by Mint on the 4th island…

Mint: Anyhoo, I'm Mint. It's a pleasure to meet you, Jeff.

I do like Mint, even though she’s not quite in my top tier of villagers. I considered asking her to move in, but I didn’t pull the trigger. I already have two squirrels in Forest (Agent S and Static), and I thought having three squirrels around might drive me nuts. 🥜

The 5th island had O’Hare the rabbit, which was an easy “no” for me. I was tired and didn’t feel like searching any more, so I decided to take my chances and wrap up my game for the night.

Yesterday, I was a bit disappointed to see a “sold” sign on Apple’s old plot. I really don’t like how the game usually only gives us one day to find a new villager. But I checked the sign and saw that Admiral was moving in. I don’t particularly like him, but I don’t particularly dislike him either. Still, it is a bit disappointing to think that I could’ve had Mint instead. Oh well, that’s the risk I took.

Anyway, I noticed that the megaphone and football rug are now available again as seasonal items (for the Super Bowl coming up next month). They can be ordered through February 15th.

At the campsite, I found the old man from Breath of the Wild! 😮 Actually, it was Lionel the lion. But either way, I wasn’t interested. 😛

Lionel the lion villager camps at my campsite.
“I’ve lived at this campsite for 100 years…in spirit form.”

Today (January 18th) is the day that Admiral moved in. I went inside to welcome him to Forest.

Admiral: Hey, you! How are you doing? The name's Admiral. I got a real important question for you.

He wondered how he ended up on an island called Forest instead of Columbia. That means he apparently came from William’s town.

I spoke with Bones near the airport, and he wondered what I was doing near the “plane station.” 😛

Bones: Hey, buddy! Whaddaya doin' here at the plane station?

He was hoping that I had a friend coming over to bring snacks. Sorry, Bones. Not today.