Tourney, Robo Depot

Nook’s Cranny was buying turnips for just 48 bells apiece today. But since it was the last day to sell them, I sold all I had for a total of 52,800 bells. So I lost nearly 60,000 bells on turnips this week. Oof.

C.J. was in town for the fishing tournament today, and my first run ended with seven fish, nine points, and a broken fishing rod. 😛

The Fishing Tourney is over! / Oh no! Thank you for your service, faithful fishing rod...

I gave it one more try, and I did a bit worse. I ended with six fish, which was good for eight points. When I redeemed some points for a prize, C.J. gave me a fish pochette.

I visited Sasha, and he said his furniture feels like him…except that he’s softer. 😛 Well, his green fur does look soft and fuzzy!

Sasha: A huh huh huh! Whaddaya think? My furniture really feels like me! Except I'm still softer.

After the tournament was over, I found C.J. enjoying some coffee up at the Roost.

C.J.: What up, fishioni-- Wait. I'm not streaming. How you doin'?

Maybe C.J. stands for “chugging joe.” ☕ 😛

Over on Lottie’s island, in Happy Home Paradise, Sprocket wanted his vacation home to resemble a factory that makes robots. In addition to the required furniture (including the robot arm and tin robot), I added some dual-hanging monitors, a gear apparatus, and a server. I used an industrial wall and steel flooring, and I customized some of the tin robots to be different colors.

Once I was done, I put Sprocket to work as the only employee of the factory. 😛

Sprocket's new Robo Depot robot factory.
Sprocket works quality control at the Robo Depot.

I earned 6,000 Poki for designing the Robo Depot.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, everyone! See you next time!

Cooler Than Me

Both yesterday and today, Kapp’n’s mysterious island was the exact same vine/moss island. But at least I learned two different recipes: Yesterday, I got the giant vine D.I.Y., and today I got a recipe for a rope-net wall. The giant vine is pretty cool, even though we can’t actually climb it.

The D.I.Y. recipe for a giant vine.

It was bright and sunny in Forest today, so I cleaned up about a million new, unwanted flower buds, and then I updated my dream town for the first time in months! The dream address is 6717-1633-3682 if you’re interested in seeing the current state of Forest.

The 2022/castle area of Forest, as of January 2022.

Hornsby was sitting on the bench in front of Marina’s house, and he asked me to join him. So I did.

Sitting with Hornsby in front of Marina's house.

When I visited Eloise, she was talking about her after-school jacket. She said that it may be cooler than me. Thanks a lot, Eloise.

Eloise: The danger of a piece like this is that it might be cooler than you. Of course this isn't a problem for ME.

I flew out to Lottie’s island, and she suggested that I should return to Olivia’s home to take a proper picture for the design portfolio. So Niko took me there.

Olivia: By the by, you two came to take pictures, yes?

Niko suggested that I should include Olivia in the picture. As Olivia was swaying her head to the music, I snapped this photo.

Olivia enjoys some music in her vacation home from Paradise Planning.

Lottie told me it has already been uploaded to the Happy Home Network. I earned 2,000 Poki for this job, which was easy money.

Back in Forest, I found Sasha sitting on the Toy Day sleigh. Unfortunately, he was sitting the wrong way (away from the camera). 😛

Sasha sits on a Toy Day sleigh.

C.J. was in town, and he had a seasports challenge for me: He wanted me to catch three big-time fish in a row. So I caught a sea bass, a dab, and a squid to complete the challenge. I then grabbed some fish out of storage, and sold them to C.J. for 157k.

The fishing tournament is coming up tomorrow, so I’m going to try to participate. Hope to see you then! Good luck at the tourney!

Fav Cave

On Sunday morning, I bought some turnips from Daisy-Mae for the first time in months. She was selling them for 110 bells apiece, and I bought 1,100 of them.

Daisy Mae: You here to start your Sunday off with some fresh turnips?

On Monday, Daisy-Mae sent me a recipe for bamboo-shoot soup in the mail. I also received some more castle walls (and another castle gate) that I ordered; I used them to fully enclose my castle in the western part of town.

An updated look at my castle.

Chadder the mouse was camping on the island Tuesday. I said hello, but I didn’t have a taste for cheese.

Chadder enjoys a sandwich at the campsite.
You’re not gouda ’nuff for this island.

Today, Jolly Redd’s ship was in town. He didn’t have any art that I needed, but he did have this lily-pad table. It’s a cool item from the older games, and it makes a nice counterpart to the froggy chair. I’m glad to see it has returned in the 2.0 update! 🙂

Redd: The charm and elegance of the very finest grape soda, wrapped up into a lily-pad table...

The mysterious island today was another vine/glowing moss island. That in itself isn’t exciting at this point, but there was a highlight: I found a D.I.Y. recipe for a cave there!

The D.I.Y. recipe for a cave in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Even though you can’t actually go inside the cave, it is a really cool item! And if you turn it completely around, it looks like a large pile of rocks…like something Link could blow up with a bomb arrow.

When I spoke to Static (as he was standing behind the Apple Lane sign), he was talking about how paper towels are made out of trees. So he reasoned that cleaning up some spilled milk with a paper towel is like cleaning up a cow with a tree. 😛

Static: If you spill some milk and you wipe it up with a paper towel, it's like you're cleanin' up a cow with a tree!

Have a great day, everyone! I’ll see you next time. 🙂