Visiting Miitomo

On Wednesday, C.J. was in town with a seasports challenge for me. He wanted me to catch three big-time fish in a row, so I caught a sturgeon, a football fish, and a red snapper. I sold those three fish to C.J. for 23k, and then I got another 184k worth of fish out of storage for him.

Yesterday, Beau was camping at the campsite. He’s cute, but I didn’t ask him to stick around.

Beau, at the campsite: It's a buncha fun camping on this island. The air smells good, like food. I wanna bite it, saltlick!

Label was in town, and she wanted to see me in some “everyday clothing.” I had no idea what would qualify as everyday clothing, but logically, it seemed like almost anything would work. Well maybe not a suit of armor or frog suit, but any regular-ish clothes. So I kept the same clothes on (I just took off my hat and put it back on), and she said it was fashion perfection. 😛 She gave me another Labelle skirt.

Today, Static told me that he lost something. I found the lost item (a pouch), and he rewarded me with a fired-up kanji tee.

As I was chopping down some trees on a mysterious island, TZ sent out a message to her best friends that she was opening her gate and anyone was welcome in her town of Miitomo. So I decided to surprise her and drop by for a visit. She joked that it was Friday Night Miitomo instead of Friday Night Forest. 😛

Even though I’ve dreamed of Miitomo before, I think this was my first time visiting “in person.” TZ has updated her town quite a bit since then, so she gave us a tour. Here’s the (headless) angel fountain.

T Zelda: Angel fountain.

And this is her pink castle.

T Zelda's pink castle.

We also checked out her house, and I loved the Baby Brewster! But I think he was crying for pigeon milk.

Baby Brewster!

TZ bought us all some coffee at the Roost, and then she gave us some food and ice cream. Thanks, TZ!

Eating some ice cream with TZ and friends.

I had a good time in Miitomo tonight. Thanks to TZ and her friends! 🙂

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