Sasha’s Photo

Yesterday, I bought 1,800 turnips from Daisy Mae, at a price of 91 bells each.

I gave Sasha a (giftwrapped) tablet device, and he really seemed to love it. In return, he gave me his photo!

Sasha: I wanna thank you! Here, man! Sasha's photo! I hope ya like it, while I hop!

I took it home and displayed it in my bedroom, with my other villager photos. His favorite quote is “Timing is everything.”

Quote on Sasha's photo: Timing is everything.

Sasha has lived in Forest for over two months, so this is not one of my quickest photos earned. But it’s definitely not the slowest, either. Regardless, I’m glad to have it! 🙂

Today, I tried to repeat the feat with Admiral. I gave him a giftwrapped bathroom stall that I bought at Nook’s Cranny.

Admiral: No way! You're givin' me... a bathroom stall?!

But he didn’t give me his photo; he gave me some head bandages instead. These are probably the same bandages that I gave him for his birthday. 😂 Oh well. I’ll get his photo sooner or later.

At the plaza, Static was walking around mad. Apparently, he just had an argument with Louie.

Static: Bah! That Louie has me mad enough to eat nails! He's got a lot of growin' up to do!

Seeing two animals stomping around mad like this is something that reminds me of the older Animal Crossing games. I don’t see it happen very much in New Horizons, but it’s good to see it’s not completely gone.

As you can see in that last screenshot, Label was in town today. She wanted to see me wearing something theatrical once again. So I dressed up as a pirate, and she rewarded me with a Labelle dress.

As I was enjoying some coffee at the Roost, Timmy came in and got some coffee to go. Isn’t he a little young to be drinking coffee? 😛

Timmy: Once I get a whiff of that coffee, the wait gets so much harder. Mmm!

A few other quick notes about today:

  • Daisy Mae sent me a recipe for kabu ankake in the mail. I just hate having to use turnips to make her recipes.
  • Wisp was in town tonight, and he gave me an extinguisher.
  • On the bulletin board, I saw that Festivale is coming up on February 28th. That’s one week from today!

See you all next time!

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