A Fruitful Search

Today, I helped out my villagers by performing three favors:

  • I delivered a kung-fu tee from Sasha to Marina.
  • I caught a stinkbug for Louie.
  • I bought some medicine for Bones, who was sick.
Bones: My brain's foggy...legs are wibbly... head's all clogged up...I'm like the living definition of total blog.
Wibbly Bones? Are you related to Bill Wibbly?

Those favors brought my Smile Isle progress up to 295/300! Just five more favors to go! I should finish that achievement within the next several days.

Now that Eloise is gone, I realized that I have seven male villagers and only two female villagers. I know some people like to keep a 5-5 balance, but I’m okay with my towns being 6-4 in either direction, or even 7-3. But I have to admit that 8-2 would be a bit extreme. That doesn’t mean I would turn down one of my top-tier favorites, but it does mean I was leaning in the direction of getting a female villager this time.

So with that in mind, I began my search for the next resident of Forest. On the first mystery island, I found Chief the wolf. I like Chief, and I wouldn’t mind having him around. But he’s not in my top tier, so he’s not ahead of the pack. Besides, I wanted to keep looking.

Chief: Anyway, I'm Chief. And you're...Jeff, from Forest?

On island #2, I found Becky the chicken. I’ve never liked Becky, and I remember hating her back in City Folk. So I quickly flew the coop. πŸ”

Becky: I was starting to feel like a castaway on a deserted island, chicklet. Then there you were! What a relief!

The 3rd island tempted me more than either of the first two islands: Boots was there! Boots is my buddy in New Leaf, and I like him a lot. But something about him doesn’t look quite right in New Horizons. Maybe it’s the model, or maybe it’s just that silly jester shirt that makes him look like a clown. Sorry, Boots.

Boots: Jeff, huh? Great to meet you, Jeff. You're not from Forest, are you?

Island #4 had Agnes the piggy. I like her better than Becky, but not enough that I wanted to bring home the bacon.

Agnes: Anyway, this little place is so calm. Really lets me get my head straight--exactly what I needed, snuffle.

On the fifth mystery island, I found a unique red ducky named Ketchup! This isn’t your garden-variety villager!

Ketchup: Hiiii! Fab to meet you! I'm Ketchup! Are you visiting from another island too?
Nice to meet you too! I’ll relish this moment.

At first I wasn’t 100% sure if Ketchup was animal or vegetable male or female, since they don’t color-code the nameplates any more. But a quick search told me that Ketchup is female (and a peppy). She’s also very cute, and she’s a villager that I’ve never had in any Animal Crossing game before. That was a good combination, so I invited her to town! πŸ…

I’m happy to have Ketchup moving in soon, and I’m glad that I had a fruitful search this time. (Unlike my last search in January, when I got Admiral as a random move-in). I’ll be back with another entry tomorrow to welcome Ketchup to town. Hope to see you then! πŸ™‚

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