Worse Than Rizzo

With Admiral leaving on Thursday, I scanned the amiibo card of my favorite ostrich Rio on Thursday night. For some reason, it takes three camping visits to invite an amiibo villager into town in New Horizons instead of just one like in New Leaf. Even in New Horizons, it only takes one visit if it’s a regular camper…so this three-visit requirement for amiibo villagers makes no sense to me.

When Rio arrived at the campsite, she asked me to craft a wooden box for her. I did it immediately, and she gave me a do-rag in return.

Rio: Ohmigosh, wait... Did you make the wooden box I asked for, li'l chick?

Yesterday (Friday), I invited Rio to the campsite again. This time, she asked me to craft a birdhouse for her. I made it for her, and she gave me a tiny party cap. She said after one more visit, she may be ready to move in.

Rio: I've got a lot going on back home, but I might be up for a move if I come visit again, li'l chick!

Ketchup surprised me by wearing my block pattern; that’s the square that I use for my sumo ring!

Ketchup: Hey, check it out... That's right! It's block! Designed...by YOU!

It isn’t really meant for clothing, but I apparently displayed it at Able Sisters at some point in the past…and forgot about it.

I then surprised Ketchup by giving her some French fries! 😛 🍟

Ketchup: Some french fries!

Today, my plan to adopt Rio hit a snag. A major snag. A big, hairy, ugly, infuriating snag.

Sign: This spot reserved for Beardo's new home. -Nook Inc.

Warning: Rant Incoming

Let me first say that this 3-time camping requirement is incredibly stupid. If the moving system was more like New Leaf, where the 10th spot won’t auto-fill with a random animal, I could understand it more. But this game typically only gives you one day to find a 10th villager. And you can’t have an amiibo camper visit three days in a one-day span! It’s asinine!

The fact that I’m getting Beardo is just adding insult to injury. He’s one of the ugliest villagers in the game, and I really, really dislike him. I would rather have Rizzo back than have Beardo, and I’m being 100% serious about that.

I know some of you may be thinking I should just scan Rio again to force Beardo out after one day in town. But in a lot of ways, I’m kind of a purist, and I hate the idea of forcing a villager out…especially when it’s done with an amiibo card (as opposed to a random camper).

So I guess I’ll just make the most of it. Forest will have a new villain for the first time since Rizzo left, and I’ll be sure to use some pitfall seeds on him. I’ll try to have fun with it. And eventually, Rio will move in.

K.K. Slider was in town tonight. I told him I was feeling a little blue, and he performed K.K. Waltz for me, Louie, and Agent S.

I’ll be back with another entry tomorrow.

12 thoughts on “Worse Than Rizzo”

  1. What I do is get anyone I may want to have move in eventually get to the third day (regardless of if I happen to have a plot available/about to become available), but wait until there’s actually a plot available (or someone I want to kick out) before inviting them a third time. I actually have several potential neighbors “waiting in the wings” this way. That said, I do go to mystery islands first; and should a random camper I like show up in time I’ll invite them.

    1. Hopefully! I had harry, AKA the ugliest villager of all time on my island for like over a year, I used the (infamous?) transferring thought bubble trick to try to kick him out but he would never wanna leave, finally one day I accidentally talked to him, about 2 days later he wanted to move… I never introduced myself to him 😅

  2. Something similar happened to me once. I was time traveling and scanning Gladys’s amiibo, and Bree the ra-I mean mouse moved in. Initially I wasn’t too mad since there was another villager I was planning to let go, but Bree ended up being really mean to a lot of my other villagers. Saying this as someone who generally enjoys snooties, she was pretty insufferable. I was gonna just kick her out after getting her photo, but she was being really stubborn and wouldn’t hand it over no matter how nice I was to her. Eventually I got Chief to kick her out and a nice person online gave me her picture.

  3. What I do is the moment an animal decides to leave, I invite an Amiibo camper and start doing his/her requests. That way you have the current day, the next day (animal in boxes), and the following day (empty plot) to get the Amiibo camper to move in before it auto-fills.

    1. Ah, I see. I started on the animal-in-boxes day, so that’s why I was too late. This was my first time scanning in an amiibo villager in New Horizons for adoption, so I didn’t realize I had to start the process as soon as they announced they’re moving. Thanks for the tip, Tom!

    2. The only drawback to that is when an animal decides to leave when a random camper is already present (won’t let you scan amiibo then).

  4. I have had Rio in Gamecube. She is not one of my favorites but she is a good villager. Sorry about Beardo.

  5. Rio is ready now. Fortunately you don’t have to scan three times in three days. Scan her when ready. In the meantime, you’ve got someone to torture.

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