On Sunday, I posted my house tour video. The science pod that I ordered was originally intended for my main room. But when I saw how huge it was (and how it blocked the view of other parts of the room), I decided to put it outside my house instead.
Wisp was in town on Sunday night. I recovered his spirits and returned them to him. In return, he gave me an athletic outfit.
Yesterday, I found a special character selling stuff on the north beach. But it wasn’t Jolly Redd; it was Saharah!
I don’t think she’s going to get much business hiding back there, but I did buy a mysterious wallpaper from her. It turned out to be a dojo wall. I hope it’s not a forgery. 😉
I went out to the hospital, and Joan gave me 50 turnips this time. I forgot to visit her last week…oops. But while I was there, I made an appointment to see the doctor. This time, I told him my head was pounding, and he gave me some head bandages.
Today, Kicks was the visitor in town. I had no use for him, but I liked Ketchup’s bit of dialogue where she mentioned that she’s never worn shoes in her life. 😛
I was speaking to Bones too much, and he eventually got annoyed. He had some squiggly lines appear over his head, and I took a photo with them. 😉
See you all again soon! Have a good day!