Meeting Joan

On Sunday morning, Daisy Mae was selling turnips for 110 bells apiece. After losing a bunch of money on turnips the past two weeks, I was determined to turn things around. So I bought about twice as many as usual: 3,400 turnips.

Gwen the penguin was at the campsite. I don’t particularly like her, and I’m already trying to get rid of her in City Folk. 😂 So clearly, I did not choose the camper in front of me. 😛

Gwen: Well, you're not a shy one, are you? My name's Gwen. How kind of you to stop by.

I found a lost item, a bag, on the ground. When I investigated it, it said it was a stylish bag that was more about style than function. That made me think of a peppy villager like Agent S or Ketchup. So imagine my surprise when Agent S said it belonged to Beardo!

Agent S: I've maybe seen Beardo with something like this before. Maybe?

Later, Static asked me to play a treasure hunt game. But he only gave me three minutes to find the buried item, and I didn’t find it in time. Once I did track it down and return it, Static was a bit rude about it.

Static: Thanks for retrievin' that for me. Next time, you should try to do it before you run out of game time.

On Monday, I took the advice of an anonymous commenter, and I went to the hospital. I was surprised to see Joan there, for her usual Monday checkup. 😂 She gave me 100 turnips for free!

Joan: And that look on your face tells me you know just what you wanna do with 'em. Hyeh heh heh...
Pickle them?

But I learned something else new while I was there. Skye (the receptionist) informed me that I can get an examination from the doctor! Also, they’re accepting donations to expand the hospital and build a patient ward! The cost is 120,000 Poki, so I’m going to need to design several more homes before I can pay that off.

When it was time for my exam, Dr. Octavian told me that I needed a mummy outfit to cure the stinging pain in my knee. 😂

Dr. Octavian: All done! That wasn't so bad, right? If you look in your pockets, you'll see I put a mummy outfit in there.
I guess it is made of bandages. Well, that’s a wrap.

I don’t know what I expected. This place is called Quack Doctors, after all. 😉

Back in town, Beardo asked me to visit his house. I declined, and he said it was okay because he was just going to go home and stare at himself in the mirror.

Beardo: Ah, no worries. I'll just go look at myself in the mirror for a while.
Are you trying to go blind?

I guess that’s one way to overcome a fear of monsters.

Today, Static was sick with a cold. I grabbed some medicine out of storage and took it back to him; he rewarded me with a spinning wheel.

Flick was in town, so I went in my house to get some bugs out of storage. As I did, Beardo barged in. I didn’t even speak to him. I just got my bugs and left the house. 😛

Beardo: Oh, are you headed out somewhere? Well, I'll be on my way, then. See you later, Jeff!

The Nooklings were paying 131 bells for turnips today. That’s the first increase I’ve seen in a long time. But after digging myself into such a hole, I wasn’t about to sell all my turnips for only 21 bells of profit apiece. I’m hoping for a larger jump tomorrow.

In other news, I finished up my obstacle course today! I plan on hosting a few races on an afternoon this week (probably Thursday or Friday between 4-6 p.m. EDT). When I’m ready, I’ll post on Twitter asking for people, and I plan on doing several runs with different groups of people. I also uploaded a new pattern today (hint hint).

See you all next time!

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