First Fight with Sasha

Yesterday, I was surprised to get a call from Harvey, of all people.

Harvey, on the phone: Hello...? Oh, hey, it's Harvey. I'm calling on the phone part of your phone.
Oh, is there such a thing? Why can’t I make calls?

He was calling to remind me that it’s wedding season, and I can take photos with Reese and Cyrus out on Harvey’s Island. I instantly lost interest. 😂

Over at Able Sisters, I couldn’t resist buying this tough helmet.

Jeff tries on a tough helmet at Able Sisters in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

It reminded me of the “Bully” enemies in the Mario series.

A Bully from Super Mario 64.

Dora the mouse was camping at the campsite. She’s cute (especially for a mouse), but I did not invite her to town.

Dora, at the campsite: Hi, are you a resident? Seems like a great place to live, squeaky.

I looked so menacing coming out of the tent with this helmet on. 😂

My helmet emerges from the tent.

When I went out to Harv’s Island, Harvey introduced me to Reese, as if I don’t see her every day. 🙄

Harvey: OK, so this here si Reese...

I was then forced inside of Harv’s house so he could tell me about the wedding photos. They should really update this now that Reese & Cyrus already have another role and can be seen daily. The weirdest part is that when you go outside, they’re outside at their normal customization stand too! So there are apparently two Reeses and two Cyruses.

Gullivarrr was in town today, and I went diving to retrieve his communicator for him. I also caught my first shark of the season: a whale shark. Nice!

Sasha asked me to make a delivery to Ketchup, and I agreed to help out. But first, I went to the shop. The Nooklings were paying 108 bells for turnips, so I sold my free turnips from Joan for 5,400 bells.

I noticed a package in my pockets, and I was thinking it was from a balloon present I shot down. But then I realized I just opened Ketchup’s gift from Sasha! Oops! Ketchup didn’t seem to mind (or even notice) that the gift was unwrapped, but Sasha sure did! He was not happy!

Sasha: You...OPENED IT? Why would-- I mean-- You just-- You handed over an open present?!
You’re welcome.

Maybe your wrapping should look a bit nicer than the random presents that literally fall from the sky, and I would have noticed!

Sasha had to keep repeating that he was trying to find his happy place (presumably to keep himself from fighting me), and I thought that was rude. I did him a favor! Deliver it yourself next time, jerk!

Hitting Sasha with a net.

Or maybe this helmet really did turn me into a Bully. 😉

Wisp was in town, and I gathered up his spirits for him. In return, he gave me a small cafe table. And later, I spotted Apple out on Lottie’s Island; she didn’t recognize me. 🙁