Visiting Onett

On Sunday, Queenie was camping over at the campsite. I have her in my City Folk town, and she has grown on me, but I didn’t invite her to move in here.

Queenie: Well, you're not a shy one, are you? My name's Queenie. How kind of you to stop by.

Dodo Airlines sent me a surprise gift in the mail, a DAL model plane! I thought it would make a good exhibit at my Animal Crossing museum castle, to represent New Horizons.

The DAL model plane on display.

Gulliver was down on the beach yesterday, and I retrieved his phone parts for him. He sent me a sombrero today.

When I went in my house to get something out of storage, Bones barged in. Since he’s one of my favorites, I didn’t want to kick him out. After we played a card game, he plopped down on my gaming chair for a bit. ๐Ÿ˜›

Bones sitting in my gaming chair.

Alec invited me over to his town of Onett for a scavenger hunt he made. He posted five rhyming clues on his bulletin board.

Near the campsite, water falls. That is where your present calls.

As I searched around town for each item, I couldn’t help but notice how familiar his town looks. He said he took inspiration from my town, but… I guess I didn’t realize the extent of that inspiration. ๐Ÿ˜‚

A recreation of Peach Park.
A Peach Park lookalike!

He even has an Animal Crossing museum in a castle like mine.

Alec's Animal Crossing museum.

After I found all of the items, we played a few rounds of sumo. I won most of them, but we had one really close one where I kinda lagged out of the ring but then we both ended up in pits anyway. ๐Ÿ˜›

Jeff and Alec both in pits during a sumo match.

After that, we played a couple rounds of museum tag (we each hid once). We then got some coffee before I returned home to Forest.

4 thoughts on “Visiting Onett”

  1. You can always visit Queenie on my island. Sheโ€™s staying put here.

    Iโ€™m admittedly tempted to buy the GBA Mother 3 translation on eBay so I can play it on my now-working GBA SPโ€ฆ but I also like having money.

  2. Speaking of Earthbound, I think you said you played it in your game reviews. Ever played the sequal Mother 3? You can get the fan translation online!

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