T-Bone Corral & Grill

Ketchup was sick with a cold today, so I crafted some medicine for her. She gave me a sports tank in return.

K.K. Slider was in town tonight, and he performed K.K. Chorale for me. Unfortunately, none of my villagers joined in to see the show.

K.K.: Right on. I'm tuned up and ready to roll. Who's in the mood for a little K.K. Chorale?

I later went out to Lottie’s Island to work a shift at Paradise Planning. While I was there, T-Bone said he wanted a place that would set his soul on fire.

T-Bone: I want a home that'll set my soul on fire.
Did you burn down the storage unit?

He should know that I’m likely to take his request literally. I chose a location in the woods, where there will be plenty of firewood. Some fencing should help to… uh… corral his appetite until we’re ready to start cooking.

T-Bone's front yard and corral in Happy Home Paradise for Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Indoors, I added some wooden furniture, and a few bonfires to keep him warm.

The inside of T-Bone's vacation home in HHP.

Here’s to a job well done. 😉

T-Bone enjoys his hot new home.

Back at the office, Lottie paid me 15,000 Poki for my work. And Niko announced that the venue for the concert is ready! There are balloons and towers set up on the north beach.

The Happy Home Paradise (HHP) venue for the upcoming concert.

Wardell is in charge of hiring a musician, so the concert should be coming up soon. I’m getting really close now!

Look for a new New Horizons Moments video soon, possibly by tomorrow! Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and I’ll see you next time. 🙂