Runny Nose

On Sunday, Agent S said that she loves living in Forest, at least partially because she’s the queen bee here! Isn’t she kind of insulting everyone else?

Agent S: Living on this island is SO fab. I mean, I'm basically the queen bee!

Roscoe the black horse was camping at the campsite on Sunday. He just moved out of my Wild World town on Friday, so I guess he took a camping trip before choosing a new place to live. 😛

Roscoe: You live on this island, right? I'm just makin' myself at home!

I did not ask him to move in.

On Monday (yesterday), Sasha sent me a moody painting in the mail. It was real, but I didn’t need it.

I remembered to go out to the hospital to see Joan, and she gave me 30 turnips. While I was there, I also saw Dr. Octavian. I told him I had a runny nose, and he needed me to be more specific. 😂

Octavian: So, I was told your nose in runnin'. Could you go into a little more detail for me, Jeff?
OK, you see this snot pouring out of my nose? Well it’s pouring out of my nose. Aren’t you glad you asked?

I had the option to say it was dripping or running, and I said running (again). He gave me some double nose tissues to stick up my nose, and then he sent me on my way. 😛

At Nook’s Cranny today, Marina told me that she was keeping an eye on a surveillance camera that was up for sale. Actually, it was keeping an eye on her too. 😉

Marina: I've been keeping my eye on a surveillance camera.

But that wasn’t the only camera for sale in the shop. They also had an SLR camera, which cost a hefty 30,000 bells. I didn’t have it in my catalog though, so I bought it.

Back outside, Bones wanted to play a treasure hunt game. He gave me six minutes to find the buried item, but I found it in just 22 seconds!

Treasure found! I found treasure!

My prize was a tiger-face tee dress.

I found Static sitting on the ground near my “Welcome to Forest” cliff/waterfall. But he had such a derpy look his face, it almost made me laugh. 😛

Static: I felt like comin' out and soakin' it in. Seemed as good a spot as any, I'll zap you.

If you haven’t seen my latest video, New Horizons Moments #15 (which I posted on Sunday), here it is:

Hope to see you again soon!

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