Ice Cream Buddies

On Sunday, Wardell sent me a Paradise Planning hammock in the mail, along with a nice letter. I guess this is my reward for completing 30 vacation homes.

My dear friend Jeff, Everyone seems happy since you've arrived. Lottie, Niko, the customers...all happy. Thank you. Very much. -Wardell

I visited the hospital on Monday, and Joan gave me another 30 turnips for free. While I was there, I also donated 40,000 Poki towards the hospital expansion.

Skye: Did I hear you right? You'd like to make a donation of 40,000 Poki to the hospital?

Back in town, the Nooklings were paying 144 bells for turnips. So I sold mine immediately, for a total of 4,320 bells.

I’ve found Wisp twice in the past few days; he gave me a trumpet on Sunday night and a round pillow yesterday. That’s one item that will wake me up, and one item that will help me sleep. 🎺😴

Today, Gullivarrr was in town. I went diving and retrieved his communicator for him. He’ll send me a reward tomorrow. πŸ“±

Ketchup was sick with a cold, so I crafted some medicine for her. She started to feel better almost immediately, and she gave me a simple-dots tee for helping out.

Ketchup shines as she takes her cold medicine.

An unlikely trio of friends were sitting together in the plaza: Sasha, Static, and Beardo were enjoying some ice cream there.

Static, sitting between Sasha and Beardo: Weather's downright pleasant... Like my sunny disposition! Gahaha!

Well, if anything can make it tolerable to sit next to Beardo, I guess ice cream is it. πŸ˜‚ And ice cream sure sounds good on hot summer days like this. 🍦

See you all next time!

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