Yesterday, Agent S sent me a letter thanking me for attending her birthday party. She even sent me her photo along with the letter! (I already had one, but it’s still a very nice gesture.)
When I visited Marina, she was reading a book while sitting on the toilet! The worst part is that she said she’s basically in love with her toilet!
Wisp was in town last night, and he gave me a metal-and-wood table after I returned his spirits to him.
Today is Apollo’s birthday, so I made sure to attend his birthday party. I gave him a suspicious cauldron that I recently crafted, after finding the recipe on Lottie’s Island. Apollo said it was one of the best gifts he ever got, even though he was probably lying.
Sasha was also at the party, and he told me about his 6th birthday party. He said a clown went into his house and never came out.
It’s definitely birthday season in Forest. In addition to Apollo’s birthday today, Static’s birthday is coming up on July 9th, and Agent S and Marina recently celebrated as well. That’s four villager birthdays in a two-week span!
Update: Also, Ketchup has a birthday on July 27th, making five villager birthdays (half my town) in a 31-day span! Add in Bones on August 4th, and that’s six villager birthdays in a six-week span! I have a town full of summer babies.
Faith the koala was camping at the campsite today. Not only is she one one of the original GameCube islanders, but she’s also really cute. One of my favorite koalas, in fact. However, I did not ask her to move in.
I remembered to make my usual Monday visit to the hospital to get 30 you-know-whats from you-know-who. I also told Dr. Octavian that I felt dizzy, and he gave me some eye gauze.
Back in town, Label was there, wanting to see me in a goth outfit. I changed into my skeleton outfit (and I added some impish wings), and Label loved the ghastly look.
She gave me some Labelle shorts, and she’ll be sending me some tailors tickets in the mail as well.