July FNF

I opened my gate tonight at about 10:02 for Friday Night Forest. Alec, Wiicked (formerly Sacky), Bran, and Alex (from Pawnee) were the first few people to show up. They raided my area of free D.I.Y. recipes, and I was happy to see that most of them got used up.

We then held some space races: Alec beat Bran, and then Alex beat Wiicked. As Alec and Alex started a head-to-head battle for the title, Xavier came in. 😛 We re-started the race, and Alex won the grand prize: The universe. Well, that and 99k. 😛

Alec vs. Alex in the space race.

We then held a few bonus races just for fun. Bran beat Xavier, and then Wiicked also beat Xavier. (Sorry, Xavier!) 😛 But everybody got to play two matches, so we ended our space mission for the night.

Logan joined in, and we all hung out in my house for a while. This was my first Friday Night Forest since I’ve redecorated my house at the end of May. After a while, we all went to annoy Beardo. I used some party poppers to blow his brains out. 😛

Blowing Beardo's brains out with a party popper.

We hung out in the Animal Crossing museum/castle for a bit, and then we took a group photo on the Wordle lights.

Logan, Alec, Jeff, Wiicked, Bran, Xavier, and Alex on the Wordle lights.

Somehow, we ended up near Resident Services. I mentioned that next year will be New Leaf’s 10th anniversary, which seems insane. In fact, the 10th anniversary of the American release date will be on a Friday, which has me toying with the idea of having a New Leaf Friday Night Forest for the occasion. Of course, that’s still 11 months away, but it’s an idea.

Around 11:40, Wiicked left for home. Shortly after, Alex turned into Papa Smurf! He always has the most unique, creative costume ideas. Then we all went up to the Roost for some late-night coffee.

Enjoying some coffee at the Roost.

We then had some deep, serious, philosophical discussions.

Why isn't the plural of Smurf, Smurves?

We then enjoyed some of the arts. In particular, my newly-completed art gallery.

A whale shark pokes through both halves of the wild painting.

Bran left around 12:20, Logan left around 12:30, and I ended the session at nearly 12:45. Thanks to all who came, I had fun!

I’ll be back with another blog entry tomorrow.

One thought on “July FNF”

  1. It’s so great that you have so many friends to play AC with! You always seem to have so much fun! 🙂

    This is more of a friend goal for me.

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