Ketchup’s Birthday

Ketchup’s birthday was today, and I made sure to attend her party. However, she probably wasn’t amused with her gift: more French fries. πŸ˜‚πŸŸ

Ketchup: Wow! You got me some french fries?! FAB! I bet it's deeeeee-licious!

Marina was also at the party, and she wanted to celebrate her friend eight times. πŸ˜›

Marina: It's so nice to be able to celebrate a friend together, eight times!
You could dip a fry in ketchup with each arm.

Ketchup said she was so happy that she might explode!

Ketchup: I'm so happy I might explode! Please promise you'll clean up if I explode?
Is that what happens on your expiration date?

If she did, there would be Ketchup everywhere. Literally.

When I visited Agent S, she was talking about how she feels when she first moves into a new house. She said it feels like someone else’s house at first, but eventually, it turns into home.

Agent S: But after a little while, turns into HOME. It's warm and safe and your own little place in the world.

I know it’s just a coincidence that she’s saying this after I forced her to renovate her house, but it fits the situation. Hopefully she feels that way about her house now.

Celeste was in town for a meteor shower, and she gave me five star fragments. Static mentioned Celeste’s appearance in town, but his catchphrase made it sound like he was warning me not to question her about the stars. πŸ˜›

Static: So I guess Celeste is here, if you're lookin' for someone to explain the stars in the sky to you, I'll zap you.

I posted my latest video today, Wi-Fi Moments #23. It features highlights from my last few online sessions. Please check it out if you’re interested!

One thought on “Ketchup’s Birthday”

  1. My dream code is: 7C00-01DB-F7A2
    Name of the city: AugvallΓ©
    Mayor’s name: Augw11

    I am french.

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