Ketchup on Everything

While enjoying some coffee in the Roost on Thursday, Blathers came in. He made the long walk (from the next room over) to get some coffee for himself. πŸ˜›

Blathers: This cafe has been a boon to our museum. It tickles my talons to see so many visitors among our exhibits!

I imagine he needs a lot of coffee, considering he works 24/7. β˜•

Yesterday, Beardo told me that when he was a child, he used to put ketchup on everything. Literally everything, even popcorn! Yuck!

Beardo: I used to put ketchup on everything. I mean EVERYTHING.
I’m just wondering if he had the same mustache and sideburns when he was a child. πŸ˜›

Gulliver was in town, so I collected his communicator parts for him. In return, he sent me a tubeteika (hat) in the mail today. I didn’t care for it, so I just sold it.

I also sold my 30 turnips for just 47 bells apiece today, for a total of 1,410 bells. That’s almost nothing, but I didn’t pay a cent for them anyway, so it’s no big deal.

K.K. Slider was in town tonight, and he performed in the rain. He played K.K. Rally for me, Louie, Agent S, and Sasha.

K.K.: Right on. I'm tuned up and ready to roll. Who's in the mood for a little K.K. Rally?

My friend Beth recently drew me and all of my Forest villagers, except for Beardo (leaving him out was my request, haha). I think she did an amazing job, and I love the watercolor-style sky! Maybe Nintendo should make a special sky like that in future games. πŸ™‚ Watercolor Wednesdays or something. πŸ˜‚

Beth's art. Welcome to Forest.

Thank you very much, Beth! πŸ™‚ For those of you who have been around a while, you may remember she also drew my New Leaf villagers back in 2016.

See you all next time!

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