Birthday Party

Today was my character’s birthday, and Marina dragged me over to her house for my party. Ketchup and Bones were also there. Marina told me to blow out my birthday candles.

Marina: Just stand in front of your cake and press A, eight times.

I forgot that was Marina’s catchphrase though, so I really thought I had to press A eight times. And I did! πŸ˜‚

She gave me a present, which was a birthday hat. Next up on the agenda was beating a piΓ±ata. They encouraged me to go crazy until cupcakes spilled out of it.

Jeff bashes his birthday pinata until cupcakes fall out.

After the party, I gave some cupcakes to some of the villagers who weren’t at the party.

Agent S: Yay! A cupcake! This looks le super nom nom! Thanks a bunch of bunches, glitter!

In return, they gave me additional gifts, including a birthday cake from Agent S, some birthday candles from Hornsby, birthday shades from Apollo, and a birthday table from Louie.

Louie: YOU'RE giving ME a present? That's an awfully nice thing to do for your greatest rival!

K.K. Slider was in town for the second night in a row, and he played K.K. Birthday for me. During the song, several birthday notes appeared on-screen from some of my villagers and special characters. That was nice. πŸ™‚

A birthday message addressed to "Super Birthdayer tater tot" from Sasha.

Static and Beardo were also at the show, so I couldn’t give them cupcakes. Well I didn’t really care about Beardo anyway, but I would have at least given one to Static. πŸ˜›

One other note: Mom sent me her homemade cake in the mail.

See you all next time!

6 thoughts on “Birthday Party”

  1. Happy Birthday! (I don’t even know if this is really your birthday in real life, but happy birthday anyway πŸ™‚

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