Keep Believing!

I helped out Wisp twice recently: He gave me a heart apron on Sunday and a cool chair on Monday.

Yesterday (Tuesday), C.J. was in town with a seasports challenge for me: He wanted me to catch three small-fry fish in a row. So I caught a pale chub, a butterfly fish, and a horse mackerel to complete the challenge. I then grabbed some fish from storage, and sold C.J. 130,000 bells worth.

C.J.: Oh, you got a whole school for me? All together that'll be... 130,440 bells. Deal?

I shot down a balloon present that contained a sky-high total of 30,000 bells!

Today, Flick was in town…so I had another large payday. I sold him a bunch of bugs for 162,000 bells even.

Flick: Ahem. Can I offer you, say, 162,000 bells for the bunch of them?

(I later sold him two more bugs for 15,000 bells.)

When I visited Agent S, she was talking about rock music. She mentioned that I (and a “person I like”) could rock all day, and “keep believing.” I’m pretty sure she’s actually referencing “Don’t Stop Believing.” 😂

Agent S: You two could rock all day for free! Party for nothing! And keep believing!

She even admitted to getting the lyrics mixed up a bit. 😛

Agent S: I've listened to a lot of old rock albums and I love them all. I just confuse the lyrics sometimes!

Several of my villagers commented on the upcoming Bug-Off this weekend. Apollo talked about pulling out his lucky net. But he said this as he held his broom up in the air; I thought it looked funny. 😛

Apollo: But fair warning... If you're jumpin' in the fray, I'm pulling out my lucky bug-huntin' net. It never fails me!

I am still planning on having Friday Night Forest this Friday night at 10 p.m. Eastern time, for people already on my Switch friend roster. So I may seem some of you then…and Friday night’s blog entry is likely be posted very late. 😛

Voice Like Butter

Yesterday, Gullivarrr was in town and I went diving to find his communicator. I returned it to him, and today he sent me another sea captain’s coat.

Bones was talking about laying down in the grass, but at the time, he was actually sitting on my Wordle lights. 😛

Bones: The weather is great today! I'm gonna lay down in the grass and talk to some bugs!

It was K.K. night at the plaza, and I (accidentally) asked him for a random song.

K.K.: What's the holdup, pup? You take a seat, and I'll get my paws to playin'.

Fortunately, he played a song that I like: K.K. Condor. Sasha, Static, Ketchup and Beardo were also there to enjoy the show.

Hornsby was elsewhere in town (Rainbow Road, to be exact). But he too had K.K. on his mind: He said K.K.’s voice was like butter dripping everywhere.

Hornsby: His voice is like butter... Warm...and dripping everywhere...getting in your ears and on your popcorn and stuff...
Okay, this is a bit weird.

Art Poster

Yesterday, Blathers sent me a commemorative framed art poster in the mail (as my reward for completing the art collection). He said that the posters will be available for purchase at the museum now.

Esteemed Jeff, In celebration of the completion of our museum's collection, I hope you will accept this commemorative framed art poster. These are now available for purchase, so let me know if you'd like more! -Forest Museum, Blathers

I hung it up in my main room. It shows most (if not all?) of the art in the game.

My new art poster.

The Nooklings were paying 127 bells for turnips, so I sold my 30 turnips for 3,810 bells.

Beth came over and I gave her a tour of my island. As she checked out my free D.I.Y. area, I tried to hit her in the head with a tree (strictly for the Nook Miles, of course). 😂 Unfortunately, the tree fell to the side. 😛 She did need quite a few of the recipes though!

Beth learns a new recipe as a fallen tree safely explodes nearby.

She liked my town, and I think this area filled with hyacinth lamps may have been one of her favorite spots. This is actually the area where I used to keep my Animal Crossing gravestones (and a representative item for each game). But those things got moved to the castle when I made my Animal Crossing museum.

My collection of hyacinth lamps.

Today, Beardo was infested with fleas. I caught one off of his filthy flesh, and he said that he hopes I don’t think any less of him for having fleas. Even though I’d love to think less of him, I don’t think that’s even possible. Lucky him. 😛

Beardo: You won't think less of me for this will you? Honestly, I wouldn't blame you if you did.

Agent S was sick with COVID a cold, so I gave her some medicine I grabbed out of storage.

And on the beach, I found a D.I.Y. recipe that (shockingly) I didn’t know yet: The ironwood bed! That’s one of the original recipes from version 1.0, so I’m really surprised that it has eluded me this long!

There’s no Friday Night Forest this week, but I am thinking of having one soon. Maybe next week (July 22nd). Check the blog next week for confirmation.

See you next time!