Two Moons

On Tuesday, Gullivarrr the pirate was on the beach. I went diving for his communicator, and I found it on my first dive. He sent me a pirate eye patch in the mail.

I also sold my 30 turnips for 117 bells a pop…only to find the Nooklings were offering 477 bells yesterday. Oof. Of course, when I had such a small quantity, it doesn’t make a huge difference anyway.

Today, Marina told me she had a fight with Bones over something unimportant. She wanted me to deliver a gift, and I agreed to help out.

Marina: I know this is a lot to ask, but could you deliver it today, eight times?
I’ll deliver it once, and that’s it!

I’m getting a lot of mileage out of Marina’s catchphrase lately. 😂 That’s the beauty of a good catchphrase. I need to stop turning down other villagers’ requests for new phrases!

Anyway, Bones really liked the gift (a plasma ball), and he rewarded me with a retro gas pump.

At Forest Fit, I bought this conductor’s cap. It reminded me of Porter.

Olivia: Let's see... It's 1,500 Poki for a conductor's cap.
I’ve been training for this moment.

Back in town, I did a bit of redecorating where I have my hyacinth lamps on the cliff. I made a bit of a moon-viewing area, where you can see the moon and…another moon. Yes, two moons.

My new moon-viewing area.

I like it, but I’m not done with it yet. I think it needs some bamboo trees, because I think it would look great with the moonlight shining through the bamboo. I also want to get rid of the rest of those yellow roses. Those yellow roses were actually leftover from Spectacle Rock two years ago! I just kept them there during (and after) my Animal Crossing cemetery. 😛

As for opening my gate for fireworks, I think I might do that a week from Sunday (on August 21st). It’s not set in stone yet, but that’s the plan so far. The time is to-be-determined, but it will almost definitely be earlier than Friday Night Forest. It may also be the last time I hold Space Race races too, because I may work on something different for September.

In the meantime, I’m working on a new New Horizons Moments video. I’m hoping to post that over the weekend early next week.