Senile Beardo

Beardo was sleeping under a tree on the beach yesterday. When I woke him up, he didn’t know who he was. He’s clearly senile and needs to be put in a nursing home. 😉

Beardo: Where am I? Who are you? WHAT'S GOING ON?!

K.K. Slider was in town tonight, and he performed K.K. Reggae. A larger-than-usual crowd showed up for the concert: Me, Apollo, Beardo, Marina, and Ketchup.

K.K. Slider performs for Ketchup, Marina, Beardo, Apollo, and Jeff.

Later on, I made some more changes to my moon-viewing area. I removed the cliffs in the middle, which unfortunately meant taking out a large chunk of the waterfall. But I made up for it by adding some waterfalls on the sides.

My updated moon-viewing area.

I like the changes, but I may not be done just yet.

I didn’t get my video done to post for this weekend, but it should be up in a few days.

See you all next time!