Funky, Diaper

Yesterday, Tipper the cow was camping at the campsite. She may be nice, but I didn’t have the stomach to tell her I didn’t want her moving in.

Tipper: Well, you're not a shy one, are you? My name's Tipper. How kind of you to stop by.

When I visited Agent S, she told me she had something that would go perfect with my outfit:

Agent S: A diaper!

No offense, Agent S, but that’s a load of crap.

Static heard that people were calling me funky, so he wanted to call me funky too.

Static: I noticed that people 'round here call you funky. And I wanna call you that too.
Maybe I just need to take a shower.

Gulliver was in town, so I dug up his communicator parts for him. In return, he sent me a gift in the mail today: a tam-o’-shanter.

Beth sent me a crescent-moon chair to add to my moon-viewing area. It balances out the (regular) moon, and I like how this area is looking now! Thanks, Beth.

An updated look at my moon-viewing area.

See you all next time.