Moon Ostrich

On Tuesday, Rio already called me her bestie. She had just moved into town the day before! Shouldn’t she wait at least a week or two before pretending I’m her bestie? That might make it slightly more believable.

Rio: Hi! How's my bestie, li'l chick?

At Nook’s Cranny, I sold my turnips for 169 bells apiece.

On Wednesday, I found Sasha sitting on the beach. It’s not often I see villagers sitting in the sand like this, so I thought it was pretty cool. At least until Sasha made this derpy face at me. 😛

Sasha: Can you guess what I'm doing? huh huh huh... I'm sitting, while I hop!
You’re not hopping.

I got to see the inside of Rio’s house now that she’s unpacked, and it’s very red. I like it…except maybe for that wallpaper.

The inside of Rio's house in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH).

After I caught my first salmon of the year, I also learned a new recipe: carpaccio di salmone! Even though these recipes were added last November, this is the first time salmon has been in season (in the northern hemisphere).

I could cook something with this fish. Yeah! I've come up with a recipe for capaccio di salmone!

One salmon is the only ingredient, so it’s a good recipe to cook if you need to work on your cooking achievements this month.

Bones asked me to catch a crucian carp for him, and I agreed to help out. It took me over 20 minutes of fishing, but I finally caught one. So I took it over to his house, only to find that he had already gone to bed. And he wouldn’t accept it the next day, either. Oof.

Up on the mountain yesterday, Rio was talking about the stars and the galaxy. I love this bit of dialogue, but her standing directly under the moon just made this even better.

Rio: Clear skies are amazing. They really make you think about how huge our galaxy is, you know?

She even joked about being a star, but she actually is a star! Or at least, part of her face is a star. ⭐

Rio: I want to make a joke about me being a star, but I'm too busy being amazed by nature.

Tonight, she was talking about space again! She said the moon is 235,000 miles away, and she wanted to walk around the Forest shoreline until she’s walked that far. That might take a while… but she told me to call her the Moon Ostrich!

Rio: Just call me Moon Ostrich!

With all this space talk, I’m beginning to wonder if she’s from another planet like I am.

See you all next time! Keep looking up! 🌌

3 thoughts on “Moon Ostrich”

  1. Thanks for the heads-up about the carpaccio di salmone recipe! I don’t really cook much so I can just work on those achievements this month

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