Label Me a Pirate

Lobo the blue wolf was camping at the campsite today. He even brought his own sandwich, although he didn’t offer me a bite.

Lobo, at the campsite: Heya! I'm just here to do some campin' for a spell. This sure is a nice island.

Label was in town tonight, and she wanted to see me in a theatrical outfit. She gave me a rose-print jacket as an example, but I already had something better in mind: I remembered that the pirate outfit works great for the theatrical theme, so I changed into it (including the beard).

Changing into the pirate suit.

As I tried to leave my house, another beard came in; it was Beardo. I just ran out the door to get rid of him. 😛

Beardo, in my face: Oh, are we headed over to my place now? Just kidding! I'll see myself out.
You are never welcome here.

When I returned to Label, she said the outfit was perfectly coordinated. She rewarded me with some Labelle pumps.

Label: And it all comes together in fashion perfection. Your taste is impeccable, Jeff.

After that, I climbed up a cliff to take a bath and wash my pirate booty. I almost got burned though, because that water was so warrrrrrm!

Pirate Jeff takes a hot bath.

See you all next time!