Rio’s Birthday

Yesterday, Gulliver sent me a sombrero in the mail, for helping him out on Thursday.

Today, Forest Fit had some all-blue full-body tights.

Olivia: Let's see... It's 1,000 Poki for some full-body tights.

It reminded me of Tobias Funke painting himself blue in Arrested Development (to try out for the Blue Man Group). So I bought it and paired it with a blue ninja hood. 😂

Jeff dressed in blue.

K.K. Slider was in town for his usual Saturday night performance, and I asked him for a random song. He played K.K. Rally for me, Marina, Louie, Hornsby, and Sasha.

K.K. Slider performs for Marina, Jeff, Louie, Sasha, and Hornsby.

Wendy the weather lady sheep was up at the campsite today. I like her, but I did not ask her to move into town.

Wendy: Hi there! I'm Wendy! I'm here on a camping trip! You live on this island? Tres cool.
Nice to meet ewe.

Today was Rio’s birthday, so I looked through my storage for a good gift. I know she’s an ostrich, not a peacock or peahen…but with her Brazilian name, she does make me think of Pavé. So I ultimately decided to give her a Festivale lamp, and she seemed to appreciate it.

Rio: Whaaat?! You got me a Festivale lamp?!

But what she really needs is a new friend. Why is Beardo of all people at her party?!

Beardo: It's not the most exclusive event on Forest, but that's cool.

I hope you’re all enjoying your weekend! See you again soon.

The Acorn Legend Returns

Out on Harv’s Island, I found that Cornimer has now returned for the season. If only Tortimer was here to meet him! 😉

Cornimer: The Acorn Legend is back! It is I, Cornimer, and the season of ME has come again!

Gulliver was in town (on the beach), so I jabbed him awake (his words) and then I found his communicator pieces for him. He’ll send me a gift in the mail tomorrow.

Gulliver: Oh! It's you, Jeff! Were you the one who jabbed me awake just now?
It was more of a stab than a jab. âš”

I was enjoying a hot beverage at the Roost (with Sable), when Timmy came in for some coffee too. He left his brother in charge of the shop, and he admitted he was nervous about it. 😂

Timmy: I've got my brother watching the shop. I know he'll do fine, but it still makes me a little nervous.
But who will finish his sentences?

In the eastern part of the island, I’ve finally finished removing the last parts of my space race. It wasn’t easy hauling all that moon dust away! I just dumped it on Beardo’s house. 😉

A blank slate of land.
There’s more space…and yet, less space.

I still haven’t started my next obstacle course yet, but I need to do that one of these days. See you all again soon!

No Hint?

On Saturday, I spotted Phil floating on an inner tube out on Lottie’s Island. The sky was pretty, with the cumulonimbus clouds, and the sun preparing to set for the day.

Phil floats on an inner tube.

K.K. Slider performed K.K. Safari for me, Bones, Marina, and Hornsby. Marina mentioned that it was nice that everyone stops to watch the sunset eight times. 😛

Marina: Isn't it great the way everyone stops whatever they're doing to watch a sunset, eight times?

Just a heads-up that there are multiple salmon recipes. So don’t stop fishing after you get the first one; you’ll get three more recipes after catching several more salmon.

Yes! I've got ideas for some recipes!

Yesterday, I found a lost item (a book) on the ground. But when I went to investigate, there was no hint! It just said “Someone lost this..”

Someone lost this...

I asked Rio about it, and it belonged to her; I got it on the first try, despite the lack of a hint! She rewarded me with a tweed cap.

Still, I wondered why there was no hint. At first, I thought maybe it was an item I missed the day before. But I checked my Sunday footage, and it was not there. But a quick Google search revealed the reason: There won’t be a hint if it belongs to someone you have a low friendship level with. Since Rio just moved in, that explains it. In the future, I’ll know that the lack of a hint is a hint itself; just look for the new animal in town!

Mallary the snooty duck was at the campsite. I said hello, but that’s it. 😛

Mallary: Oh, thank you for stopping by. I don't believe we've met. I'm Mallary.

Today, poor Sasha was sick with a cold.

Sasha shivers while sick with a cold.

I bought some medicine for him, and he started to feel a bit better. He rewarded me with a cute music player.

I forgot to mention this in the blog last week, but I recently posted a new updated “Quick Comparisons” video about the Animal Crossing games. Check it out!