Sparkle Bestie?

On Monday, my bank account balance reached 45 million bells.

Savings Balance: 45,000,000 bells

When I visited Beardo yesterday, I was surprised to find Marina there as well. Beardo said he brought me and Marina over for a reason. I think he was trying to set us up! 😂

Beardo: Yo, Jeff! Have you met Marina? I've brought you two here for a reason...

But then he said the reason was just to hang out and have fun. Suuuuure. 😛

Wisp was in town last night, and I helped him out by fetching his spirits for him. In return, he gave me some modern wood flooring.

Tonight, Rio had a request that seemed straight out of New Leaf. She said a package intended for Marina was accidentally delivered to her, and she wanted me to take it over to Marina.

Rio: Ohmigosh, listen to this! A package for Marina accidentally got delivered to me!
That mail carrier should get fired! If we actually had one, that is.

Marina told me I could guess if the package contained clothing or furniture. If I guessed right, I could keep it. (Who does this with something they just ordered?)

Marina: If you're right, I'll give you whatever's in here.

Even though I figured clothing was more likely, I don’t really even care about getting a new shirt, so I guessed furniture. I was wrong, so I got nothing.

When I returned to Rio, she didn’t give me a reward either. That’s how these things work out in New Leaf, too. If you guess wrong, you get no reward…even though you still went out of your way to complete a request.

But Rio did call me her bestie, and she even “promoted” me to “Sparkle Bestie, first class.” She even announced it in front of Agent S, who was visiting at the time! 😛

Rio: You are soooo my bestie that I'm promoting you to Sparkle Bestie, first class!

The fishing tournament is coming up on Saturday. I’m not sure if I’ll participate or not, but I’ll probably post a new blog entry that day regardless. Hope to see you then!