Jac’s Party

Last Saturday, Gullivarrr sent me a pirate’s hat in the mail, and K.K. Slider performed K.K. Break for his Saturday night show.

On Sunday, I bought this mining car at Paradise Planning. It would make a good addition to Donkey Kong Country! If I ever fully rebuild that area, of course.

It says it costs 3,400 Poki for a mining car.

Today, Bree the mouse was camping at the campsite. I had no interest in inviting her to town.

Bree: Well, you're not a shy one, are you? My name's Bree. How kind of you to stop by.

Gulliver was washed up on the beach, and I helped him out by recovering his phone parts.

Tonight, I headed over to Matthew’s town Fernwood. He was holding a surprise birthday party/costume party for Jac. I was the first one there, but Nami and Nicky also joined in. By 11:00, the guest of honor (Jac) arrived. He was surprised to be greeted by an ant imp, mummy, witch/cat, and skeleton. 😆

Jac: Wait, this is a costume party?
No, we always dress like this.

A bit later, Matthew was away from the group when he said he saw “something funny here.” I figured he was just trying to lure one of us into a pitfall. 😛 But that wasn’t it at all; he found Pietro the clown sheep, wearing a pirate bandanna, frowning and cooking. 😱

Pietro the pirate tries to cook.

Matthew had a Halloween-themed obstacle course that I thought we were going to race on. But he asked if we had pitfall seeds on us, and we didn’t. Matthew disappeared for a while, and I thought he was crafting pitfall seeds, but we never got back to it. But the course looked pretty cool from what I saw of it.

Matthew's Halloween-themed obstacle course.

We later went to class, and I failed the test somehow!

Nami: You get an F.

That’s not fair! I stayed up so late studying that I was dead tired in the morning! 😉 (And yes, we were making skeleton puns all night.) 😆

We hung out at various spots around town, we drank some coffee at the Roost, and we eventually made it to Matthew’s house for Jac’s party. Happy birthday, Jac! 🎂

Celebrating Jac's birthday.

Matthew ended the session around 12:40 (my time). I had a lot of fun, so thanks to Matthew for hosting, and thanks to everyone who came for the good time! 🙂

See you all next time!

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