Comic About Comics

On Thursday, Gulliver sent me a tubeteika in the mail. Later, I (finally) started working on my new race course. It’s actually not the one I was originally planning for September, but I had an idea for something different instead.

Tonight, K.K. Slider was in town, and I told him I was in a good mood. So he played K.K. Groove for me, Ketchup, Static, and Bones.

K.K.: right on, you hep cats and kittens. Jeff's in the mood for K.K. Groove, dig?

I haven’t been giving Rio many gifts, even though I still need to earn her photo. I need to pick up the pace! 😛 So I gave her a snare drum tonight, and she seemed to enjoy it.

Rio: Wait, for realsies?! A snare drum!

She gave me a kung-fu tee in return. I enjoyed it significantly less than she enjoyed the drum. 😆

I then found Agent S in an unusual place: the north beach. The camera switch to an awkward overhead view as she told me about the comic she’s currently reading. It’s a comic about stand-up comics. 😛

Agent S: The one I'm reading now is called Seriously/Not Funny and it's a comic about... stand-up comics!

She said she’s considering adding a stand-up routine to her repertoire. Sounds good!

I’ll be working more on my new race over the next several days or so, but I’m not sure when it will be done. But stay tuned for updates!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!