A Monster Look

On Sunday night, Wisp was in town. After I gathered up his spirits for him, he gave me a public telephone.

On Monday night, Sasha was almost ready for bed when I visited. He wondered what Santa Claus does in March. His hat looked like a Santa’s hat, just not red. So I wonder if that’s what made him think of Santa. 🎅

Sasha: Didja ever wonder what Santa Claus is doing in March?

He concluded that Santa probably takes the elves on a tropical vacation where they eat from a mile-long sundae bar, and go on shark rides for fun.

Sasha: I bet he takes the elves somewhere nice and tropical...

Yesterday, Rio seemingly complimented my Halloween costume. She even asked if it was movie makeup.

Rio: Wow! Is that movie makeup? You look like a monster! It's so cool!

But she was actually referring to a wasp sting on my face! She apologized for calling me a monster, even though it still would have been appropriate due to the costume. 😉

Rio: What?! You were stung by a wasp?! Ohmigosh! You poor thing! I'm so sorry I called you a monster!

A bit later, Marina gave me some medicine for the sting. But instead of using it myself, I gave it to Agent S, who was sick with a cold. She gave me a mug for helping out. And I continued walking around with a swollen eye. 😛

Louie: Ew! Um... Maybe you're going for a new look, but that seems a little bit extreme, oh banana.

That’s about the only way to get villagers to be a bit rude in this game, other than hurting them. 😛

Bones: Wow, um, yikes. Your face is looking rough
“Rough rough!”

Today, I helped out Gullivarrr by diving into the ocean and retrieving his communicator.

I also worked a bit more on my race, and it’s about 90% done. I may finish it up over the weekend and have some races early next week, if all goes well. It is a fairly simple course though, so it’s definitely not the most elaborate race. But at least it doesn’t have a bunch of things that need to be reset after each race, unlike some previous courses I’ve made.

Anyway, I recently posted my latest New Horizons Moments video. Check it out!