Jac’s Party

Last Saturday, Gullivarrr sent me a pirate’s hat in the mail, and K.K. Slider performed K.K. Break for his Saturday night show.

On Sunday, I bought this mining car at Paradise Planning. It would make a good addition to Donkey Kong Country! If I ever fully rebuild that area, of course.

It says it costs 3,400 Poki for a mining car.

Today, Bree the mouse was camping at the campsite. I had no interest in inviting her to town.

Bree: Well, you're not a shy one, are you? My name's Bree. How kind of you to stop by.

Gulliver was washed up on the beach, and I helped him out by recovering his phone parts.

Tonight, I headed over to Matthew’s town Fernwood. He was holding a surprise birthday party/costume party for Jac. I was the first one there, but Nami and Nicky also joined in. By 11:00, the guest of honor (Jac) arrived. He was surprised to be greeted by an ant imp, mummy, witch/cat, and skeleton. 😆

Jac: Wait, this is a costume party?
No, we always dress like this.

A bit later, Matthew was away from the group when he said he saw “something funny here.” I figured he was just trying to lure one of us into a pitfall. 😛 But that wasn’t it at all; he found Pietro the clown sheep, wearing a pirate bandanna, frowning and cooking. 😱

Pietro the pirate tries to cook.

Matthew had a Halloween-themed obstacle course that I thought we were going to race on. But he asked if we had pitfall seeds on us, and we didn’t. Matthew disappeared for a while, and I thought he was crafting pitfall seeds, but we never got back to it. But the course looked pretty cool from what I saw of it.

Matthew's Halloween-themed obstacle course.

We later went to class, and I failed the test somehow!

Nami: You get an F.

That’s not fair! I stayed up so late studying that I was dead tired in the morning! 😉 (And yes, we were making skeleton puns all night.) 😆

We hung out at various spots around town, we drank some coffee at the Roost, and we eventually made it to Matthew’s house for Jac’s party. Happy birthday, Jac! 🎂

Celebrating Jac's birthday.

Matthew ended the session around 12:40 (my time). I had a lot of fun, so thanks to Matthew for hosting, and thanks to everyone who came for the good time! 🙂

See you all next time!

Superstar Designer

Yesterday, C.J. was in town with a seasports challenge for me. He wanted me to catch some big-time fish, so I caught a carp, a black bass, and a tilapia. I then grabbed 15 fish out of storage, and C.J. paid me 155,700 bells for them all.

Today, Gullivarrr was on the beach, and I went diving to retrieve his communicator for him. I also found a scallop, which prompted Pascal to pop up and ask me for it. He also questioned why “rasp” isn’t a color. 😛

Pascal: Blueberries are blue and blackberries are black, so how come I can't buy rasp-colored shorts, maaan?

For the first time since “beating” the Happy Home Paradise DLC, I went to Lottie’s Island and chose to design another vacation home. I ran into Boyd the gorilla at the restaurant, and he said he’d like to work with heavy equipment.

Boyd, at the Happy Home Paradise restaurant: I want to work with totally heavy equipment! Safely...
I low how “safely” is just an afterthought. 😛

I chose a previously unused location, where a fountain can be seen in the background. I’d like to imagine this is a new Animal Crossing town, still under construction. I used all three suggested construction vehicles out here: the excavator, bulldozer, and steamroller. Boyd’s house is yellow with a green roof, just like a banana. 🍌 😛

The outside of Boyd's vacation home in Happy Home Paradise (HHP) DLC.

If you’re wondering about the lone tiger butterfly, Niko gave it to me as a gift from Nat. I was able to release it to make a living decoration out of it. 😛

Indoors, I used a construction-site wall and construction-site flooring. I added another steamroller inside; it’s a must for any house! 😉 I also gave him a bed, a portable toilet, a utility sink, a couple of chairs, and a few other simple amenities. He seemed to enjoy it!

The inside of Boyd's construction-themed vacation home.

Back at the office, Lottie gave me another promotion: I’m now a Superstar Designer! That included a pay raise, as I now get paid 20,000 Poki for vacation homes.

Oh yeah! I'm a Superstar Designer! I have truly ARRIVED!

Lottie surprised me even further, and this may be a slight spoiler. So if you don’t want to be spoiled by this, you may want to skip the rest of this entry. So leave now, blah blah blah, okay. Gone now? She suggested that we should add a gallery to the cafe, which will be on another floor. I never even knew there was such a thing! I’m not sure when I’ll actually work on it, though. 😆

I went over to the hospital to donate half of today’s earnings to a future expansion. However, I’m still 69,000 Poki away from my goal. That expansion won’t be coming anytime soon. 😛 Hope there aren’t any patients dying to get in!

Enjoy your weekend, everyone! See you next time! 🙂

Hornsby’s Burp

K.K. Slider was in town on Sunday, and he performed K.K. Slack-Key for me, Louie, and Marina.

K.K.: Right on. I'm tuned up and ready to roll. Who's in the mood for a little K.K. Slack-Key?

On Monday, Agent S was telling me about a comic book called Fairy in the Kitchen. But the fairy is really just a tiny, angry old man who makes bad puns. 😛

Agent S: It's just a tiny, angry old man that tries to fight everyone and says bad puns like, Ya wanna PIZZA me?

I placed my standing electric sign outside of the museum, to help advertise the Roost. It’s partially hidden by the tree, though, so I may end up moving it.

My standing electric sign outside of the museum.

Today, Hornsby told me that Label was in town. However, he was too shy to say hello to her because he thought he might burp. His prediction came true, too; he burped so loud that he scared himself. I’ve never heard a rhino burp before, but I imagine it being like a powerful, booming roar. 😂

Hornsby: I was right too! I burped so loud, I scared myself!

When I spoke to Label, she told me she wanted to see me in a goth outfit. She gave me a vampire costume as an example, but I had something better in mind. I went home and changed into a skeleton outfit (bone costume and skeleton hood); I also added some black impish wings.

Label: Amazing: I've never seen an outfit so perfectly coordinated!
Your memory must not be very good. 😛

She thought it was perfect, and she rewarded me with some Labelle sneakers. Since the skeleton outfit fits the season (with Halloween just a few weeks away), I decided to keep it on.

See you all again next time!