Mug ‘Stache

Last night, I accidentally hit Beardo with a net three times. I know how that sounds, but it’s true! 😆 He said it felt like I didn’t know him. I wish I didn’t know him!

Beardo: I feel like you don't even know me. How is that possible?

The fishing tournament was held today. I joined in late into the event, and I only participated in one run. I caught six fish in the three-minute time limit, which was good for eight points.

C.J.: SPLASH! That's 8 points!

C.J. bought my six fish for 2,460 bells.

I later found Rio sitting near the campsite, but sitting on the bench sideways. I like Rio, but she’s a bit of an odd bird. 😉

Rio sitting on the side edge of a log bench.

Out on Lottie’s Island, I purchased a standing electric sign. The sign shows a hot cup of coffee, but for some reason, there’s a mustache on the cup!

It says it costs 3,800 Poki for a standing electric sign.

It made me think of Beardo, but it’s not his mustache. So then I figured it was Brewster, because that would actually make sense…but it’s not his mustache either. His is more vertical, while this one is horizontal. So I’m not sure whose mustache it is, or why it’s on a cup of coffee, but I’m open to suggestions! Leave a comment if you have a theory!

Today I posted an updated Forest Quick Comparisons video. It compares and contrasts each of my Animal Crossing towns, listing my villagers, favorites, and various aspects of my towns. I hope you’ll check it out!

See you all next time!

Sparkle Bestie?

On Monday, my bank account balance reached 45 million bells.

Savings Balance: 45,000,000 bells

When I visited Beardo yesterday, I was surprised to find Marina there as well. Beardo said he brought me and Marina over for a reason. I think he was trying to set us up! 😂

Beardo: Yo, Jeff! Have you met Marina? I've brought you two here for a reason...

But then he said the reason was just to hang out and have fun. Suuuuure. 😛

Wisp was in town last night, and I helped him out by fetching his spirits for him. In return, he gave me some modern wood flooring.

Tonight, Rio had a request that seemed straight out of New Leaf. She said a package intended for Marina was accidentally delivered to her, and she wanted me to take it over to Marina.

Rio: Ohmigosh, listen to this! A package for Marina accidentally got delivered to me!
That mail carrier should get fired! If we actually had one, that is.

Marina told me I could guess if the package contained clothing or furniture. If I guessed right, I could keep it. (Who does this with something they just ordered?)

Marina: If you're right, I'll give you whatever's in here.

Even though I figured clothing was more likely, I don’t really even care about getting a new shirt, so I guessed furniture. I was wrong, so I got nothing.

When I returned to Rio, she didn’t give me a reward either. That’s how these things work out in New Leaf, too. If you guess wrong, you get no reward…even though you still went out of your way to complete a request.

But Rio did call me her bestie, and she even “promoted” me to “Sparkle Bestie, first class.” She even announced it in front of Agent S, who was visiting at the time! 😛

Rio: You are soooo my bestie that I'm promoting you to Sparkle Bestie, first class!

The fishing tournament is coming up on Saturday. I’m not sure if I’ll participate or not, but I’ll probably post a new blog entry that day regardless. Hope to see you then!

Spooky Cookies

On Wednesday, Gulliver sent me a sombrero in the mail. Flick was in town, and I grabbed 20 bugs out of storage; he paid me 187,500 bells for them all.

On Thursday, Able Sisters had this blue and black top hat. I decided to buy it and put it on.

Wearing a blue top hat in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Yesterday, Wisp was up on the small cliff I made for background waterfalls behind the sumo ring. I had to use my ladder to climb up the back of the structure just to talk to him. 😂

Wisp up on a small cliff in ACNH.

After I retrieved his spirits for him, he gave me a capsule-toy machine.

October started today, and Nook’s Cranny has some Halloween decorations up. They’ve also started selling spooky items. But one change caught me off-guard: Marina gave me a new recipe for spooky cookies!

Marina: Teehee, I'm making my specialty! It's spooky cookies.

I was thinking the salmon recipes from last month were probably the last recipes we’d get from last year’s Version 2.0 update, so this was a nice surprise. 🎃 You need one pumpkin of each color to make the cookies, along with some flour.

The recipe for spooky cookies in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

K.K. Slider was at the plaza tonight, and I asked him for a random song. He played Bubblegum K.K. for me and Ketchup.

K.K.: Right on. I'm tuned up and ready to roll. Who's in the mood for a little Bubblegum K.K.?

Even though I was originally planning to have my obstacle course done in September, that has not happened. In fact, I haven’t even really worked on it at all yet…oops. 😛 I just haven’t had the motivation for it, to be honest. So I have no idea when it’ll be done. Just don’t expect it anytime soon.

Anyway, I hope you’re all enjoying your weekend. See you all next time!