Rio’s Photo

Remember that duplicate katana that Gulliver sent me on Saturday? Well I wrapped it up and gave it to Rio on Sunday; she liked it so much that she rewarded me with her photo! Finally!

Rio: Hey! I wanted to say thanks, but with, like, an object? It's Rio's photo! Enjoy!

I walked into my front door (which was just a few feet away, haha) and displayed it in my house. Her quote on the back is “Self-care? Best care.”

Jeff stands next to Rio's photo.

Wisp was in town, and he gave me a gurney after I returned his spirits to him.

On Monday, Cashmere was camping at the campsite. But I’m not currently looking for any ugly villagers. Sorry, maybe…never.

Cashmere: I confess, I can't help but think how fabulous it would be to live here, baaaby.

Hornsby was sitting on his outdoor swinging bench for the first time since I moved it behind his house. (Because it got in the way of my vaulting pole race.) He said he’s saving a seat for his grandma, which is cute…if not a bit sad.

Hornsby: I like to keep it empty so there's someplace for Grandma to sit if she comes to visit!

Today, Gullivarrr was in town. I went diving for his communicator and returned it to him. He’ll send me a reward tomorrow.

Punchy was feeling mischievous on the beach, and he said he might copy me for the day! He even said he’d be Jeff Jr.! πŸ˜›

Punchy: What ya doing? I might copy you. I could be Jeff Jr. for the day!

Bones was talking about balloon presents, and he told me they come from a sea monster that burps them up!

Bones: Do ya know where the present balloons come from? There's a sea monster near here that burps them!

He said he calls the sea monster Lieutenant Burpy Boy! Bones is a silly dog sometimes.

Bones: I call him Lieutenant Burpy Boy!

FYI, I don’t plan on having Friday Night Forest this week…but I am aiming for next week, December 9th. I’ll keep you updated when it gets closer.

See you all next time! πŸ™‚

Mum’s the Word

Yesterday, Sasha sent me a solemn painting in the mail…and it was authentic! Of course, I didn’t need it for the museum, but I still appreciated the gift. πŸ™‚

Bones said he noticed a really good smell recently, and he said it was a mum that Sasha had??

Bones: It was a mum that Sasha had.
Oh no, what happened to her?

He then said the smell was so calming that he wanted one too?! Excuse me?

Bones: The smell was so calming and gentle, like the whole world's most delicate cheese puff. I had to have one!
This is an odd conversation…

That confused me for a moment, but fortunately, he was talking about the flower…and not Sasha’s mother. πŸ˜†

But all that mum talk inspired me to check my crafting recipes for projects that I had never made before. So I ended up making my first mum wreath, flower stand, round vine rug, and more.

I made a mum wreath!

I helped out Gulliver yesterday, and he sent me a katana in the mail today. That’s the same reward he gave me last time!

At the plaza, I attended K.K. Slider’s show. I asked for a random song, and he performed Bubblegum K.K. for me, Bones, and Rio.

K.K. Slider performs for Jeff, Rio, and Bones.

When I spoke to Bones after the show, he was talking about how I’ve caught every type of bug. He even sang a little bug song for me. Well, he called it a dance, but he was seated at the time. πŸ˜›

Bones: Woogie buggy woogie buggy! Buzz buzz buzz! Buggy woogie buggy woogie! Buzz buzz buzz!

Thanks, buddy! You’re a good dog.

I hope you’re all having a good weekend. See you next time! πŸ™‚

MVP of Turkey Day

On Sunday, I found Lucha the bird camping out at the campsite. But I wasn’t interested in wrestling with another villager (or throwing anyone out of the ring town).

Lucha, at the campsite: Hey, you're a local, right? The name's Lucha.

Wisp was in town, and I returned his spirits to him. He gave me a flower tabletop mirror to thank me.

Today was Turkey Day, and I found Franklin the chef at the plaza.

Franklin: I'm Franklin, professional chef extraordinaire. Nook Inc. hired me to come and cook for everyone.

He asked me to fetch some local ingredients for his food, but I stopped to speak with my villagers first. Most of them were hanging out at the plaza, just waiting for some food to arrive. Static said he prepared for the event by emptying his stomach.

Static: I prepped by emptyin' out some space in my stomach, so I'm ready to eat till the eatin's done.
Excuse me?!

Most of Franklin’s needed ingredients were things I already in storage, so making the four dishes was surprisingly easy for me. Here’s the full list of what he made:

  • clam chowder (from three manila clams)
  • pumpkin pie (from an orange pumpkin and a green pumpkin)
  • gratin (from a flat mushroom and a potato)
  • meuniΓ¨re (from a sea bass and a dab)
Franklin: Let's get cooking!

Franklin rewarded me with a Turkey Day rug, Turkey Day wall, Turkey Day flooring, and a cornucopia.

But of course, there was the option to improve the dishes by adding some secret ingredients. So I began helping out the few villagers who remained home to cook. By fulfilling their ingredient requests, we can get other ingredients in return.

Sasha: This is boring. I'm stuck at the part where I'm supposed to put in the oyster, in the grass.

They’ll also provide tips on what secret ingredients I may need. The pumpkin pie secret ingredient was easy enough: It was just the other two colors of pumpkins. But the other three secret ingredients eluded me for quite a while. I wasn’t having any luck catching them myself, but Rio eventually provided me with all three of them: a Dungeness crab, a scallop, and a barred knifejaw!

Rio: I hope this Dungeness crab helps you as much as you've helped me, li'l chick.

Rio is the true MVP of Turkey Day! I couldn’t have done this without her!

Celebrating all dishes made perfectly.

For tracking down all of the secret ingredients, Franklin rewarded me with some Turkey Day wheat decor, Turkey Day decorations, a Turkey Day table, and a Turkey Day hearth. And with that, my Turkey Day was complete. πŸ¦ƒ

I hope you all had a good Turkey Day (and/or Thanksgiving)! I’ll be back with another blog entry probably on Saturday.