Rare Mushroom

On Sunday night, I found Wisp on another small cliff structure; it’s even tinier than the last one! I swear, he must seek out the smallest cliffs he can find. 😛

Wisp stands on a tiny cliff, ejecting his spirits.

When I recovered those spirits for him, he rewarded me with a wall-mounted LED display.

Monday was Halloween, and I grabbed some candy out of storage. After trick-or-treating for a few more pieces, I found Jack.

Jack: Hee hee! What an agreeable little minion!

I traded him some candy for Jack’s face and Jack’s robe, but he really wanted a lollipop.

Moments later, I ran into Ketchup. And she looked so adorable in her Halloween costume!

Ketchup: Trick or treeeeat!

After giving her some candy, she gave me my first lollipop. I took it back to Jack, and he wolfed it down before giving me a spooky carriage.


But right as I was talking to him, the event ended for the night. No more lollipops for Jack.

Today, Mom sent me an autumn-themed letter talking about baked goods. She included “Mom’s lively kitchen mat” as an attached gift.

My dear Jeff, Something about seeing piles of colorful leaves everywhere puts me in the mood to bake. Pies! Cakes! Muffins! Biscuits! I can't fight this. I won't. I think I need a bigger fridge. -Mom
I was expecting something edible after this letter.

Now that November is here, we can find mushrooms around town. That includes the rare mushroom, which I dug up today and then sold for 16,000 bells at Nook’s Cranny.

Timmy: A rare mushroom! Sure! How about if I offer you 16,000 bells?

See you all next time.