Losing the Beard

On Thursday, Ketchup was “dance crafting” to personify a stethoscope. Except her “dance” consisted of her standing completely still. Such skill.

Ketchup: I am a stethoscope. I am a stethoscope. ...
She’s a Ketchoscope.

Yesterday, I found Beardo with a thought bubble above his head. I spoke with him, and he wanted to leave Forest to pursue a new business idea. Awesome! Get outta here!

Beardo: You never know where you'll find your next great business idea!

Today, he was all packed up and ready to move out! Finally!!

Beardo: Hey, this might be kind of awkward, but I wanted to say thanks for the advice you gave me.

Fortunately, I got rid of him before he gave me his photo. I didn’t want to have to display that in my house anyway. 😛

K.K. Slider was in town tonight, and I told him I was feeling a bit grumpy (despite Beardo’s exit). So he performed K.K. Bazaar for me, Ketchup, and Agent S.

K.K. Slider performs at the plaza in ACNH.

I’ll have a vacancy in town tomorrow, but I’m not sure if I’ll go villager hunting. If I do, it probably won’t be more than a few attempts. But check back in a few days to see who moves in next!