Mum’s the Word

Yesterday, Sasha sent me a solemn painting in the mail…and it was authentic! Of course, I didn’t need it for the museum, but I still appreciated the gift. 🙂

Bones said he noticed a really good smell recently, and he said it was a mum that Sasha had??

Bones: It was a mum that Sasha had.
Oh no, what happened to her?

He then said the smell was so calming that he wanted one too?! Excuse me?

Bones: The smell was so calming and gentle, like the whole world's most delicate cheese puff. I had to have one!
This is an odd conversation…

That confused me for a moment, but fortunately, he was talking about the flower…and not Sasha’s mother. 😆

But all that mum talk inspired me to check my crafting recipes for projects that I had never made before. So I ended up making my first mum wreath, flower stand, round vine rug, and more.

I made a mum wreath!

I helped out Gulliver yesterday, and he sent me a katana in the mail today. That’s the same reward he gave me last time!

At the plaza, I attended K.K. Slider’s show. I asked for a random song, and he performed Bubblegum K.K. for me, Bones, and Rio.

K.K. Slider performs for Jeff, Rio, and Bones.

When I spoke to Bones after the show, he was talking about how I’ve caught every type of bug. He even sang a little bug song for me. Well, he called it a dance, but he was seated at the time. 😛

Bones: Woogie buggy woogie buggy! Buzz buzz buzz! Buggy woogie buggy woogie! Buzz buzz buzz!

Thanks, buddy! You’re a good dog.

I hope you’re all having a good weekend. See you next time! 🙂

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