Ankha’s House

Last Friday, I removed the blue pansies that were around Hornsby’s former home, and planted some gold roses in honor of Forest’s new golden cat, Ankha.

Ankha's yard, complete with gold roses.

I also stopped inside to take a look at her tomb home. She has a pyramid in here, which really takes up most of the room. She also has three golden caskets, and a few other golden items as well…including a golden, uh, “throne.”

The inside of Ankha's house.

Sunday was the Lunar New Year, and all of my villagers wished me a happy new (lunar) year. Indirectly, in some cases. 😛

Static: It's Lunar New Year today! So, here's to the moon havin' a nice new year!

On Monday night, I found a burglar hanging out around Marina’s house! At least, that’s what I thought…but it was just Ankha wearing her winter hat. 😛 Some of these animals (cats, in particular) look so different with their ears tucked into hats.

Ankha: So good to see you, me meow.

Yesterday, Phil was camping at the campsite…and I was not interested. Sorry, Phil, but town is phull. I mean full.

Phil, at the campsite: Ahoy. Phil is my name, and traveling, fixing things, and dance are my passions three.

Tonight, Kicks had his shop set up at the plaza, selling shoes, socks, and bags. Even though I didn’t do any business with him tonight, I saw him there as I exited Resident Services and headed up the ramp. So imagine my surprise minutes later, when I found him drinking coffee at the Roost!

Kicks, at the Roost: 'Allo, chum! Taking a breather, eh?
Me? What about you? I just saw you at the plaza!

I returned to the plaza to see if he was there too, but his stand was gone. Apparently he closes up shop at 10 p.m. and heads over to the Roost. That timing was pretty funny, though. 😆

Here are a few quick notes about recent visitors:

  • Gullivarrr sent me another pirate bandanna last Friday.
  • K.K. performed K.K. Break for me on Saturday.
  • Wisp gave me a first-aid kit on Sunday.

Also, I’m tentatively planning on having Friday Night Forest on February 3rd (a week from Friday). If you’re on my roster, please check the blog next week for any news or confirmation.

See you all next time!