Quiet Winter Night

Last night, I recovered Wisp’s spirits for him, and he rewarded me with a storefront.

Wisp: Here, have... a storefront!

Tonight, K.K. Slider was in town. I asked him for a random song, and he played Comrade K.K. for me and Rio.

K.K. Slider performs for Jeff and Rio.

I haven’t been rolling up many snowmen snowboys in New Horizons this winter so far, but I decided to make one tonight. He said he was perfect, so he promised to send me a reward in the mail.

Snowboy: You're looking at pure snowfolk perfection right here. But you know that. You made me!

Not much else was happening on this quiet winter night, so I grinded for a few thousand Nook Miles and then ended my game for the night.

See you next time.