On Saturday night, K.K. Slider performed K.K. Island for me, Sasha, Rio, Agent S, and Louie.
When I visited Ankha on Sunday, she told me that she sits down at her golden casket to do her skin-care routine! I guess she wants to look drop-dead gorgeous!

Roswell the gator was camping at the campsite. I had no interest in adopting him, but there’s no harm in saying hello.

Tonight, Static was sitting on the bench just across the bridge from Peach Park. He invited me to sit next to him. Aww, that’s cute.

So I sat down and decided to open up my camera app for a photo. But before I could, he jumped out of the seat and left me! How rude!

Punchy was crafting tonight, and he gave me a recipe for a purple hyacinth wreath. To my surprise, I didn’t have that recipe yet! I crafted one, and I thought about giving it to Ankha, since she doesn’t have anything on her door yet. But then I thought, I should craft a gold rose wreath for her instead. So I gave that to her, and she rewarded me with a garden gnome.

A few other quick notes about special visitors this week:
- Sunday: Wisp gave me a hanging clothing rack.
- Monday: Wisp gave me a simple table.
- Wednesday: Celeste gave me five star fragments.
- Today: Gullivarrr sent me a pirate dress.
I’ll be back again soon with another entry!