No Snow!

Yesterday, Punchy had his net out, and he was chasing a butterfly. I just thought it looked so cute. 🦋😸

Punchy chases a butterfly in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

This morning, the snow all melted…so we have grass once again! Yay! 😁 Even though this isn’t the official (or even meteorological) start of spring in real life, this is the first step towards breaking out of the winter doldrums.

Happy at the snow being gone for spring.

I’m glad I got that nice photo in the morning, because it was raining the rest of the day (and night). Agent S even suggested a rainy-day party, saying we could all come dressed as our favorite clouds.

Agent S: I should throw a rainy-day party sometime. We could all come dressed as our favorite clouds.

Ooh, which cloud should I be? Ooh, I got dibs on Puffy the Campfire Slayer! 😉

I asked K.K. slider for a random song, and he performed K.K. Faire for me, Agent S, and Louie–the only remaining villagers from March 2020!

K.K.: Right on. I'm tuned up and ready to roll. Who's in the mood for a little K.K. Faire?

If you’re wondering, Bones is the only other 2020 villager I still have around. But he moved in on October 15th of that year.

When I visited Rio after the show, I noticed that she had her confetti machine turned off. So I turned it on for her. She should keep it on all the time! 🙂

Rio: Oh, did something catch your eye? My Festivale confetti machine?

The colorful confetti was quite a contrast to the dreary rain outside. But Ankha made things interesting when I found her studying Marina’s octopus! She even had a reference book open as she studied it! 🐙

Ankha studies an octopus in Forest.

I guess she’s not used to seeing many octopi where she’s from. 😉

I recently posted New Horizons Moments #19, and it features a lot of Ankha. Please give it a watch if you’re interested. 🙂

See you next time! 🙂 Never Stop Crossing!