Turnip Spike

On Sunday morning, I decided to buy some turnips from Daisy Mae. But since she was charging more than usual (107 bells), I only bought about 1,200 of them. I also got another 30 turnips at the hospital on Monday.

By Tuesday afternoon, turnip prices had skyrocketed up to 457 bells apiece! Woohoo!

Timmy: The current price for turnips is 457 bells per turnip!

I sold my 1,230 turnips for a total of 562,110 bells. The bad news is that I’m still only 18.5% of the way to my Nook Miles turnip goal. 😛

Xavier came over to sell some turnips, and I found him talking to Bones from half a screen away. 😆 I wonder if he has to pay long-distance charges on that call. 😉

Xavier talks to Bones from a long distance.

Today, Rudy the jock cat was camping at the campsite. He’s a cute little guy, although his design is quite simple. However, I was not interested in adopting him at this time.

Rudy: Heya! You live here? My friends call me Rudy, mush.

Punchy told me that you can never run from your troubles, so he…ran from his troubles? 🤔

Punchy: But you can never run away from your troubles, so I bolted!

That’s actually a catchphrase he learned from Static, but that’s the best use of it I’ve seen so far. 😛

A few other quick notes about this week so far:

  • I helped Gulliver on Monday, and he sent me a geisha wig yesterday. 🙄
  • I bought a study carrel and a milk can from Redd’s ship today. They were both color variations I needed. 👍
  • I helped Wisp tonight, and he gave me some inspection equipment.
The inspection equipment item.
I’m guessing it’s not measuring Wisp’s heart rate. You know, since he’s dead.

See you all again soon! Never Stop Crossing! 🙂

2 thoughts on “Turnip Spike”

  1. I think I have only bought turnips 3 times in New Horizons and it never got that high. The best I have done was a few years ago in City Folk when it got to 469 in the first week in years that I bought turnips. I made over 1 million bells.

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