Artsy Street Sign?

Yesterday, Static questioned why someone would put a plain wooden shop sign next to his house. (Never mind the fact that it already there before he moved in.)

Static: Not sure why someone set up a plain wooden shop sign here, so I bolted...
You bolted the name plate onto the sign? 😉

He guessed that it must be a “modern art thing.” No, genius, it’s a street sign. 😛

Static: Maybe it's some modern art thing?

Later on, Static asked me to deliver something to Rio. So I took it over to Rio’s place, and it was an outfit. Rio was thrilled because it was a “total pop star” look.

Rio: I love this style! TOTAL. POP STAR. Should I try it on right now?!

So she puts it on, and it’s… a doctor’s coat! This is a pop star look?! 😆😆

Rio changes into a doctor's coat.

Flick was in town, and I sold him 50k worth of bugs.

Today, Marina told me about a dream she had last night. She said that she and I were about to go on a trip, perhaps on a boat, but she forgot the details. She pointed out how memories of dreams can just vanish in an instant.

Marina: I've completely forgotten! Isn't it funny how the memory of a dream can just vanish in an instant?

I was just talking with a friend about this very subject earlier today. Sometimes you wake up and you know you were just dreaming, because it feels like your brain was just…somewhere else. 😛 But you can’t remember a thing about it. 😛

Ketchup, Punchy, Static, and Rio joined me for K.K. Slider’s concert tonight. I asked for a random song, and he performed K.K. Groove for us.

K.K. Slider performs for residents of Forest.

After the show, I went to sell some stuff in my pockets. I found Ankha in there, and she said something quite odd: She confused me with Timmy! Me, the guy in a green mohawk, looks like a little kid raccoon? …Really, Ankha? Maybe you’ve been inhaling too much of that ancient air in your tomb.

Ankha: You know, it's funny--I thought you were Timmy at first. Silly me.
And I thought you were Cleo-cat-ra.

I’ll be back with another entry soon, probably on Monday. Hope to see you then! 🙂