Hyacinth Pond

Sunday (March 26th) was Louie’s birthday, so I headed over to his birthday party. Bones was also there to help him celebrate. I gave Louie an iron frame that I crafted as a gift, and he seemed to enjoy it.

Louie: Oh! Oh, wow. Did you really... An iron frame!

I also crafted the last items I needed for my newly-redecorated area that I mentioned last week. If you remember my Zelda-inspired pond, I removed the titan arum and replaced it with a bench. I also replaced the glowing moss with hyacinth lamps. I think it looks pretty at night.

My new park bench area.

Today, I was speaking to Static and I wasn’t really paying attention to the dialogue. So I was a bit surprised when the screen went black and we appeared in my house. I agreed to let him visit without realizing it! 😆 To be fair, that’s about the only way I would let anyone visit now. 😛

Static: Thanks for lettin' me come over!
I didn’t mean to. Uh, I mean, you’re welcome.

But it wasn’t too bad, because he offered to leave after just 30 seconds! Okay, thirty seconds of me ignoring him, but still! I wouldn’t mind visits much if they were all like this. 😉

Back outside, I listened in on a conversation between Static and Ankha. They were talking about commercials, and how the slogans and jingles can be so catchy sometimes.

Static: Gahaha! Those advertisin' types do tend to come up with some real earworms, so I bolted!

But unfortunately, the conversation ended with Ankha adopting Static’s catchphrase of “so I bolted.” That phrase is strictly intended for Static. 😛

Ankha: Earworms, what an awful image. But that thing you say, so I bolted...

A few other quick notes about the last few days:

  • I helped Gulliver on Monday, and he sent me a silk hat.
  • Wisp gave me a hanging monitor yesterday.
  • I bought a deep fryer and a lighted display stand from Redd yesterday.

Anyway, I have a new video coming up in the next day or two. It’s something unique, and I think it’s really funny. Stay tuned. 🙂