See Ya Later, Sasha

On Wednesday, Gulliver sent me a hula doll in the mail.

Yesterday, Sasha told me that he wanted to move away to see the world. I thought about it, and I decided to let him go. He has lived in town for a year and four months (since December 2021), so he’s had a nice run.

Sasha: I'll always remember the good times. I hope you do too! Even if we're far apart, we're still friends!

Ankha asked me for a new catchphrase, and I decided to use one that Beth suggested: In a pyramid. 😆

Ankha: In a pyramid... It's beautiful!

Huck the frog was camping at the campsite, so I said hello. I wasn’t interested in him, even though he’s clearly a lot better than the frog I got in City Folk last week. 😛

Huck: Heya! Are you from around here? I'm kinda on vacation, just relaxing and focus-grouping a few things...

Today was Sasha’s moving day. He said that on TV, nobody says “goodbye.” They just smile and say “I’ll see ya later,” he told me. And that’s exactly what he did.

Sasha: So that's why... Tater tot! I'll see ya later!

Jolly Redd’s ship was parked on the north beach, and he had very low-priced products today! He was selling a bath bucket for 250 bells, and a toothbrush-and-cup set for 630 bells. That’s both non-art items for under 1,000 bells! Maybe Redd’s not as greedy as I thought he was! 😉

Redd: Much as I wanna charge ya full price, I had a real tasty apple earlier, so... How about 630 bells?

At those prices, I didn’t even bother checking my catalog to see if I needed those color variations. I just bought them.

I’ll probably use some Nook Miles Tickets tomorrow to hunt for a new villager. But if I don’t find anyone good after a few tries, I may just leave it to chance. See you soon!