Midge’s House, Punchy’s Burp

On Tuesday, I got a look at the inside of Midge’s house now that she’s unpacked. It looks nice, although it’s surprisingly yellow.

Midge: I've been having trouble deciding what book I should read from the growing pile that I keep adding to.

The interior sure looks a lot different than it did before.

Ankha mentioned that I found a lot of fossils the previous day, and she asked if I took them to Blathers. She said Blathers likes to ramble on about musty old things. Hmm, I wonder what Blathers would say about Ankha? 😉

Ankha: He does have a tendency to ramble... Still, it's exciting to hear what he has to say about the musty old things.

Rio told me about a prize she got in a box of crackers. She said it was a miniature soccer rule book, which she didn’t want to open because it would lose its value. 😛 And also, because she doesn’t “do” soccer. âš½

Rio: Plus, I don't do soccer.
Aren’t you from Brazil though?

On Wednesday, Static started working at Able Sisters! Or at least, that’s what it looked like. 😉

Mable and Static greet me at Able Sisters.

Label was in town today, and Punchy said he was too shy to say anything to her, because he was afraid he might burp. But that seemingly silly fear wasn’t as unfounded as it sounded…

Punchy: I was right too! I burped so loud, I scared myself!

Speaking of Label, she wanted to see me in a party outfit. She gave me a space parka as an example of what to wear. A space parka? 🤔

Label: As you can see, it's a space parka with quite the party flair.

But I put it on and added some spangle shorts, a birthday hat, and some birthday shades.

My party outfit.

It wasn’t my finest fashion moment, but it did the trick. Label was very happy with the outfit, and she rewarded me with some Labelle tights (that I’ll never wear.) 😛

A few other quick notes about this week:

  • On Tuesday, Wisp gave me some camo pants.
  • My savings balance reached 56 million bells on Wednesday.
  • Gullivarrr sent me a pirate-treasure robe yesterday.

Have a good weekend, everyone! 🙂

One thought on “Midge’s House, Punchy’s Burp”

  1. That’s because Midge was part of the group that increased your island population to five. It’s not until after them that neighbors (including the “smug” camper you’re forced to ask to move in) have their intended default houses. Also, unlike Louie and Agent S, she’d left before the Happy Home Designer DLC so you couldn’t have asked Isabelle to restore her default design.

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