You Can’t Fish There

Last weekend, I gave Sam some materials he needed to make his latest obstacle course. And he beat me both times when we gave it a test run.

Racing on Sam's space-themed obstacle course.

On Saturday night, I joined the girls for a K.K. Slider concert. K.K. performed K.K. Milonga for me, Midge, Marina, Ketchup, and Ankha.

Midge, Jeff, Marina, Ketchup, and Ankha enjoy a K.K. show.

That’s not all of my female villagers though; Agent S and Rio weren’t at the show. Since Midge moved in, I now have six girls and four guys. Usually it’s the other way around. 😛

On Monday, I visited Static while he also had Ankha over. He said she showed up, so he bolted. 😆

Static: This is turnin' into a regular party! Ankha just showed up too, so I bolted.

Flick was in town, and I sold him 90k worth of bugs.

Tuesday, the Nooklings were paying 321 bells for turnips. Unfortunately, I didn’t buy any turnips this week. But I did get my free ones from the hospital, so I turned them into an easy 32k! Xavier came over to sell turnips, and he became the first person to see my hyacinth pond in person. I haven’t had visitors in quite a while. 😛

Xavier checks out my hyacinth pond.

Ankha was trying to fish in the tiny stream that’s only one space wide. Fish never show up there! She was getting frustrated, but it was her own fault. 😛

Ankha tries to fish in a tiny stream.

Today, Midge told me that she never really liked Thursdays. It’s because she had gym class every Thursday when she was back in school, and she hated gym.

Midge: I've never really liked Thursdays...

She must not like to exercise; maybe that’s why we never see her flying. 😉

Wisp was in town tonight, and I gathered up his spirits for him. In return, he gave me a windbreaker.