On Friday, Ankha asked me if the weather was gorgeous, in a pyramid.

I don’t know, it might be a little dusty, dry, and dark in there.
I grabbed five Nook Miles Tickets and headed off to some mystery islands to hunt for a possible new villager. Pango the anteater greeted me on the first one, and she was standing on one foot.

My options were not looking very enticing, especially when Walt and Biff were on the next two islands. However, I was a bit surprised to find my buddy Hornsby on the 4th island!

I like Hornsby a lot, but I just had him and let him go. He only moved out in January, after all…so I left him there and continued on. The 5th (and final) island had Alice the koala. Even though she’s cute, I chose not to adopt her (sorry, Xavier).
At this point, I decided to just roll the dice on a random villager. I checked the plot yesterday, and I was quite surprised to see who was moving in! It was a villager I’ve already had before: Midge!

Midge moved out in 2021, and it feels so weird to have someone move back in again so soon. I haven’t even had any former New Leaf villagers move back in, and that town is almost ten years old!
K.K. Slider was in town last night, and he performed K.K. Fusion for me, Bones, Ankha, and Punchy.
Today, I went in to meet Midge. She did not seem to remember me. But welcome back, Midge!

She came from J.C. Island, which is Jac’s town. I kinda wish villagers didn’t move back in so soon like this (unless it was intentional, from using an amiibo, of course). This didn’t happen in the older games; whenever a villager returns in GameCube or City Folk, I find it’s usually at least 7-10 years from their first stint in town. (Unless it was a result of train travel on GameCube.)
But at least Midge is a character that I know and like. I just hope it isn’t awkward between her and Marina, though. Marina is the other pink normal animal in town…the one who took Midge’s original house plot.
I found a lost item on the beach today, and it turned out to be Louie’s workout journal. He thanked me for returning it, and he gave me some simple sunglasses.

See you all next time! Never Stop Crossing!