On Sunday, Dodo Airlines sent me the bell vouchers I earned during the maze. Rover also mailed me another copy of his photo.
Rio asked me for a new catchphrase, and I thought I would tell her to say “in Brazil.” However, when I was trying to move the cursor to the Z key, it wrapped around to the other side of the keyboard to “Confirm!” So she was saying “in Bra!”

Fortunately, villagers give you a chance to correct it when something like this happens, so she is now saying “in Brazil.”
Today, I returned a lost item to Midge. It was her lost journal, and she rewarded me with a thread-worn sweater.

Label was in town, and she wanted to see me in a work outfit. She gave me a diner apron as an example of what to wear. But when I checked my clothing in storage, it looked like my best fit was a pilot’s uniform, captain’s hat, and pilot shades.

Before I could escape out of my own house, Punchy barged in. Why does this always happen every time I want to change my clothes? Ugh. He gave me an orange, and I just waited for him to leave.
Once he left, I headed back to Label. She loved my outfit, and she rewarded me with a Labelle skirt. She’ll also be sending me two tailors tickets in the mail, even though I still haven’t used the ones she gave me last time.

As for other visitors this week, Wisp gave me a large magazine rack on Sunday, and Gulliver sent me another geisha wig on Tuesday.
See you all next time!