On Sunday, Dodo Airlines sent me the bell vouchers I earned during the maze. Rover also mailed me another copy of his photo.
Rio asked me for a new catchphrase, and I thought I would tell her to say “in Brazil.” However, when I was trying to move the cursor to the Z key, it wrapped around to the other side of the keyboard to “Confirm!” So she was saying “in Bra!”

Fortunately, villagers give you a chance to correct it when something like this happens, so she is now saying “in Brazil.”
Today, I returned a lost item to Midge. It was her lost journal, and she rewarded me with a thread-worn sweater.

Label was in town, and she wanted to see me in a work outfit. She gave me a diner apron as an example of what to wear. But when I checked my clothing in storage, it looked like my best fit was a pilot’s uniform, captain’s hat, and pilot shades.

Before I could escape out of my own house, Punchy barged in. Why does this always happen every time I want to change my clothes? Ugh. He gave me an orange, and I just waited for him to leave.
Once he left, I headed back to Label. She loved my outfit, and she rewarded me with a Labelle skirt. She’ll also be sending me two tailors tickets in the mail, even though I still haven’t used the ones she gave me last time.

As for other visitors this week, Wisp gave me a large magazine rack on Sunday, and Gulliver sent me another geisha wig on Tuesday.
See you all next time!
Why are you JVGS?
I originally called it “Jeff’s Video Game Site,” but nowadays I only use the shortened version.
Hey Jeff!
Tired of villagers barging into your house every single time you want to change your clothes? Well then, I may have the perfect solution for you! If you can find a good spot in your town somewhere near Town Hall, you can put a wardrobe there! With this, you can easily change outfits without worrying about annoying villagers!
~Mr. Michael M. III, Nook, Inc. Representative of Wavy Water
You sound like you’re the announcer on an infomercial.
Thanks! That was kind of the idea!
Personally, I have a Cooler Box on my beach, which I have always used to change clothes. I do sincerely hope that you take up my suggestion!
~Mr. Michael M. III, Nook, Inc. Representative of Wavy Water
Oops! I thing your newest blog posts went missing on your home page! Couldn’t see if there were any new posts from any of the games without manually checking the game type! Hopefully it was just maybe a bug? (Hopefully not a bug on Brazil… Or a bra. LOLLL)
That feature was done with a plugin that hasn’t been working right lately. I think it was slowing down my site and causing intermittent errors. (The site seems to be working better now that I’ve deactivated the plugin.)
But I’ll try to find another way to re-add that feature soon. Either with another plugin, or I’ll do it manually if I have to.
Update: It’s back.