I listened in on a conversation between two cats holding umbrellas tonight. Ankha was telling Punchy that today wasn’t her day, and Punchy suggested a solution: Eating fried ice cream until his stomach hurts.

Ankha appreciated the suggestion, and she told Punchy to let her know if she can do anything in return…in a pyramid.

Punchy asked if she minded if he started using her catchphrase, “in a pyramid.” Of course, Ankha didn’t mind, so now they’re both using it. It doesn’t make much sense for Punchy to use it, but oh well.
When I visited Marina, she asked me a very odd question: She asked if I was an opera-singing superstar!?

What on earth gave her that idea? Surely it isn’t this outback hat and shirt with camera?

Over by Resident Services, Bones apparently just learned about wishing on shooting stars. But he planned to wish that he could hang out with his best snack buddy (me) more often. Awww, Bones. Let’s hang out, buddy.

Flick was in town tonight, and I had a dozen bugs to sell him this time (mostly wasps and scorpions). He paid me 66,900 bells for them all.
Diving for three sea creatures was one of my Nook Miles+ goals, so I did just that. My second catch was a scallop, and Pascal popped up to ask for it. He started talking about his hat…

Not exactly his wisest bit of dialogue, and definitely not among my favorite lines. (These are better, in my opinion.) By the way, he gave me a pearl for the scallop.
Have a great weekend, everyone! Enjoy Tears of the Kingdom if you’ll be playing it like I will!